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While the last portion of The Bust finally saw me reach an important divergence from the original inspiring work, these 2200+ words - which come after a little elaboration on Jane's golden transformation I wanted to add - finally show how getting past all those creative hurdles to stumble into unexpected story serendipity was worth it. I've waited a long time to redo the dark ending I threw together at the last minute all those years ago, which I never felt quite spoke to the type of stories I wanted to tell. And my celebratory lap will be to let Sylvia completely cut loose. This is just the beginning as she starts to customize the entertainment at Club Cantina! Enjoy, ~dS

P.S. - I also sort of lost track of if I'm in a new chapter or not, and at this point I'm so excited to be in the most fun part of things that I didn't bother figuring it out yet, thus the -ish.

Chapter VIIIish

Jane’s exclamation startled her, bring her erotic thoughts back to the situation at hand. Sylvia had granted Jane two wishes now, and there was only one left. But Jane hadn’t even realized she’d made a second one. The energized dancer walked over to Sylvia, grabbed her tits, and then sat down on the corner of the desk. She crossed her legs, and then her arms under her breasts.

“I don’t know why I kept my vision so small. I shouldn’t just be dancing here! Everyone should see me!” Jane exclaimed, clearly pleased with her realization, “I should be dancing on TV! I wish I was a dancer of Solid Gold!”

Sylvia had never heard of the variety TV show Solid Gold. It had gone off the air long before Sylvia was watching television. So the wish-granting woman did not have any idea of the once-famous group of dancers who had performed on it.

Instead, of course, Sylvia thought of the metal. She watched as Jane’s skin took on a shine. A smooth golden texture spread from Jane’s nipples and pussy, transforming her skin as it slowly spread out across her mounds and valleys. It covered over her round ass, down her legs, and over every single toe. It spread up her neck, choked one final desperate moan from her mouth, and washed over her eyes, which became featureless orbs. It finally washed down her hair like a waterfall. After only a moment Jane’s smug face was captured in stiff yellow metal, soft flesh now hard and heavy, and the metal desktop began to creak and groan as it slowly bent under the weight of Jane’s golden ass.

Sylvia was glad that the office was built atop a supporting wall.

Jane’s pussy remained glistening and wet, but that was the only sign that the golden erotic statue had ever been a living, breathing woman. Inside her golden prison, Jane begged for someone to touch her. She could still see Sylvia, if not for her vision having the oddest yellow tint. Jane could feel her otherwise motionless form sinking down slightly, the stiff golden toes of her left leg still touching the floor pivoting her backwards slightly.

Solid gold Jane could not move a single muscle. But she was still very horny, and she again quietly cried out for Sylvia to suckle on one of her stiff golden nips.

Sylvia, of course, could not hear the metal woman. She knocked a knuckle on Jane’s arm to get a dull thud sound, and the helpless mind inside discovered that human touch only made her hornier, with no possible release. Sylvia certainly found the golden statue attractive, but now her mind was drifting towards the duties of her new managerial position. As far as she was concerned, at the moment Jane was little more than an awkwardly position paperweight who should have quit talking when she was ahead. 

Thankfully, Jane had not frozen her auric rear atop any papers, and Sylvia found herself curious to the point of compulsion to sit down and review more about her new business. She hummed as she dropped her soft sensitive butt into the office chair and began to catch up on the state of Club Cantina. As she read her right hand absently shifted towards Jane’s ass, and traced her golden crack. It drove the woman inside the metal form wild.

About twenty minutes into her research Sylvia had figured out what had worried Jane. The club wasn’t failing fast, but if they didn’t find a way to raise revenue or reduce costs there were going to be hard times to come, and not just for Jane.

Sylvia leaned back and put her hands behind her head to think. She looked out the big window to her left and watched the stage. She couldn’t quite make out who was dancing, but Sylvia felt herself get very wet as she watched. It was now that she recalled Jane wishing that everyone who worked at Club Cantina was attracted to each other. And now that Sylvia worked here, that was certainly effecting her more so than just her natural attraction to the dancers.

One hand was slowly moving towards Sylvia’s dripping snatch and the other sliding up the metal ribs of Jane’s immobile form towards her golden orbs when there was a knock at the door. Jane silently cried out in disappointment as Sylvia pulled her hand away and stood up. Who could that be, and why were they here?

It was then Sylvia remembered that she was the boss now.

“Come in!” she exclaimed!

The door opened and in stepped Thrifty Trini. If Sylvia had been thirsty for the dancer earlier she was downright parched now. Trini’s absurd heels clacked into the office, her long smooth legs stretching up and disappearing into a pair of men’s boxers she must have put on after the show Sylvia had watched. The front was unbuttoned and Sylvia thought she could see a little glimmer of moisture when the lights hit right.

Her taut stomach tapered upwards into a cut-off t-shirt that read REAL GOOD across it. The shirt’s hem hung outward a few inches from Trini’s stomach, draped across her augmented grapefruit sized boobs. Each of her nipples delectably popped up the fabric about half an inch.

Sylvia still thought Trini’s ass could stand to be a bit fuller, but she was still a sight to behold. Certainly an asset for Club Cantina.

It was then that Sylvia recalled that during her dance Trini had bent over and run a finger across the top of pink tits. Sylvia again shivered at the recollection of the sensation. If she played this right...

“Hi, Trini, what can I do for you?”

Trini walked a little further into the office, her eyes darting back and forth from Jane’s golden form, to Sylvia, and back again. It was as if she was absorbing the new circumstances of her employment - and also staring at the pink boobs Sylvia had not put away.

“So you’re in charge, Miss…”

“Sylvia,” the magic-titted woman replied, and then quickly added, “Ms. Sylvia.”

A warm feeling of power and satisfaction bubbled up from within the new manager of Club Cantina when Trini smiled and repeated back, “Ms. Sylvia…”

“What brings you up here?” Sylvia asked, turning and retreating to her desk. Trini watched the wobble of Sylvia’s ass from each step she took, and brought her eyes back up to Sylvia’s when she turned around.

“Uh, well, I was wondering if Jane…” Trini took a step forward and gently put a hand to Jane’s golden nipple. The metal woman cooed internally, and let out a desperate Hey! when Trini pulled her fingers back. “...if Jane had talked about my raise with you before she...retired?” It was obviously an awkward subject for Trini, and she asked the question as she walked to the window and stared down at the performance going on.

“Trouble paying the rent?” Sylvia asked. The gears were turning in her head, and she watched Trini stare downwards. Sylvia could see the gentle twitching and fidgeting of someone trying to squeeze their thighs against their pussy.

“Amongst other things…” Trini replied, still watching the stage.

“Would it help if you didn’t have to pay rent?”

This got Trini’s attention. She turned and took a tentative step towards Sylvia.

“What do you mean by that?

“Well, this place has the proper permits. Wouldn’t it be so much more...fun if everyone who worked here lived here together? Shared...everything together? In exchange, of course, for making themselves something truly special to keep Club Cantina in business?”

Sylvia could see Trini’s legs quivering as she said all of this. She expected the excited woman’s juices to start dripping out the bottom of the shorts, but they remained dry...for now. Trini was clearly struggling to not let herself get carried away with the idea of living with a bunch of sex-hungry strippers.

“So everyone who could would live here rent free, we’d just have to make ourselves extra sexy?” Trini asked.

“Yeah, exactly,” Sylvia replied. She was slowly make her way around the desk, letting her pink tits bounce and sway and watching Trini’s transfixed eyes follow them. “Do you want that? Do you wish everyone who worked here and could would move in and let me help them become more erotic and exotic?”


“Wish it.”

“I wish everyone who worked here and could would move in and let you make them more erotic and exotic and eager for it.”

Trini had gone off script, but - as the wish emanated from Sylvia - it felt like that was going to work well.

The change in Trini’s posture was instant. Instead of looking like she was nervous to be somewhere she was unaccustomed to, her body relaxed and her expression warmed. She crossed her arms across her tits, grabbed the hem of her shirt, and smoothly pulled it over her head. She casually tossed it onto Jane’s legs, and the friction gave the stilled dancer a momentary thrill.

“I’m so glad I don’t have to go back to that dump…” Trini took a long step forward in her stripper heels so that her round enhanced breasts rubbed up against Sylvia’s technicolor ones. She put her hands around Sylvia’s waist and reached her face out as close as it could get to Sylvia’s, and Trini said with hot and heavy words, “...so what do you want to make more erotic and exotic about me?”

As Sylvia enjoyed the view and the touch of Trini’s tits against her own, the eager woman took Sylvia’s hand and brought it down to the front of her boxer’s. Trini guided Sylvia’s fingers through the fly and the new boss could feel just how juicy her dancer’s pussy was.

“Well,” Sylvia smiled as she stroked Trini’s slit and let one finger push into the dripping labia and dance lightly on her engorged clit. The dancer cooed and bit her lip, eyes fluttering closed as she rubbed her upper body against Sylvia’s. “I’ve noticed that your A doesn’t quite live up to your T…”

“Oh, I know…” pouted Trini, opening her eyes and looking into Sylvia’s like a chastised girl hoping to be forgiven, “I couldn’t afford it. But I so wish my ass was like my boobs!”

Sylvia felt the magic in her breasts act on Trini’s words, and the horny woman pushed herself even more tightly against Sylvia when she felt her rear tingling. Sylvia felt her fingers slip even further inside Trini, and Sylvia’s free hand quickly slid around her body and slipped into the boxers. Sylvia grabbed one of Trini’s ass cheeks and squeezed it, already feeling under her fingers that an artificial mass was forming within to increase their size.

Trini’s breasts had been bumped up in size thanks to a hefty addition of silicon, and Sylvia wasn’t surprised that now her rear was growing from the same process. Centimeter by centimeter they grow, spreading Sylvia’s fingers wider and wider across the ballooning surface of Trini’s butt. With every expansion the drenched dancer twitched more tightly against Sylvia, her boss’ fingers pushing just a little further into her tight folds.

Sylvia was grinding herself against the panting woman in her arms as the ass expansion began to slow. Sylvia was eagerly sliding her hands over Trini’s smooth new rear, which stuck out at least ten inches from the base of her spine and rear of her thighs. Sylvia was about to pull her hand out when she passed over a little bump smack in the center of one cheek. Confused and curious, Sylvia rolled her fingers over it a few times as it grew to about half an inch. Finally Sylvia pinched it.

“Mmm...you tease,” Trini giggled with a little jump, “You’ve already got me right on the edge…”

Suddenly Sylvia put it all together.

Trini had asked for an ass like her tits.

Her tits had nipples.

And now, so did her ass.

Sylvia reached around and confirmed that both of Trini’s butt cheeks had their new adornments - and the other one did - before pulling her hand out of the very tight boxers. She pulled her other hand out of Trini’s slit - despite the dancer’s whimper of protest - and brought both up to gently hold Trini’s head up so the pair could look eye to eye.

“What is one more thing you would like to change for yourself?”

Trini needed to think about that, but could smell her juices on Sylvia’s hand, and before answering she turned her head and took of on Sylvia’s glistening fingers into her mouth. She’d hadn’t yet broken eye contact, and continued to hold it as she cleaned her boss’s hand one digit at a time. When she was done she licked her lips, and had finally come to a conclusion.

“I got the boob job not just to make my boobies bigger, but because they were starting to sag. They only thing I miss about how they were is that I could pull them up and suck on them. I still wish my tongue could reach and tease my nipples. Then I coulb phill..." 

Trini’s sentence trailed off as her tongue practically leapt out of her mouth, as if it was chasing the words that had left it. It extended four inches, then six, then eight. Soon her moist appendage, nearly a foot long, slapped down atop her chest. Both Sylvia and Trini stared at it, and the dancer took a step back.

At first Trini could only manage to make it twitch, slowly lurching it along to upper curve of her breasts as if teasing a cat with a string. After another moment of testing her new elongated muscles Trini finally lifted it off her chest. She found she could move and curl it like a tentacle that was growing out of her mouth. She waved it at Sylvia.

“Well, doesn’t that look fun.”

Trini smiled around it, a decidedly unusual look. As a test she sucked the full length of her tongue back through her lips like she was slurping spaghetti, the newly grown mass slipping into a freshly formed portion of her throat.

“This…” Trini tested, find her pronunciation practically unaffected, “...could indeed be...fun.”

Out slipped the tongue once more, this time fully under Trini’s command. She palmed the underside of her bulbous breasts and lifted them up slightly to be certain that her exploring appendage could reach its target. As the tip of it touched her nipple and rolled around its length, tracing the outline of her areola, Trini rolled her eyes and let out a happy gurgle.

Sylvia, this entire time, had felt herself getting hotter and wetter as she thought about other places such a tongue could go. But she got control of herself. She had a business to run, and suddenly a lot of new roommates-slash-tennants-slash-employees that had to earn their place.

“Before you have too much fun with that…” Sylvia said softly as she put her arm around Trini and led her to the door and opened it, “...would you please be a dear and find someone else to send up for a little...work?”

As Trini stepped out of the office Sylvia gave her rump a little slap, coming right down upon one of the butt nipples tenting the boxers. Trini stumbled a little, from a combination of erotic shock, surprise, and not yet having to do any serious walking with the mass of her new ass hanging backwards over her heels. She slurped her tongue back in, turned to Sylvia with horny doe eyes and said, “Yes, Ms. Sylvia,” before turning back and mincing her topless self away.

Sylvia took a deep breath as she watched Trini’s ass waddle away, her ass nubs swinging back and forth under the fabric. A hand started to slip into her own slit but Sylvia got control of herself and pulled it back.

There was work to do.

Her office was going to need a futon.

to be continued...


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