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1030 updated/new words, as we find a pair of new lovers exploring each other!


Chapter VII

A very surprised bouncer found herself suddenly materialized nude on a bed, in a bedroom she had never seen before. To her left was an easy chair, in front of her a bureau and full-length mirror, and the door was to her right. Clothing was everywhere, a particularly big pile on the floor to the left of the bed.

At first the teleported woman didn’t know what to think. She had been speaking to a woman in the back hallway of Club Cantina, and now suddenly she was here in this strange bedroom. Her nipples were rock hard, and she could feel the embers glowing in her loins. She looked around, trying to get an idea of where she was, when she caught an image in the mirror. It looked like…a knee on the floor?

Just the sight of that knee caused the bouncer to soak her panties. She crawled to the end of the bed, looked down, and suddenly flushed everywhere else with passion and lust. 

An extremely realistic sex doll was lying on the floor, and the twitterpated woman had never experienced such pure love for any one or thing before.

“Hi...hi…” she said, bashfully, wiggling a few fingers at the doll like a lovestruck teen, “I’m Xaxi. I guess that takes care of introductions.” She immediately rolled off the bed onto the sex doll, and began making out with it passionately.

Xaxi kissed the rubber woman, sticking her tongue deep into the open O and sliding it all around inside. One hand kneaded a latex breast and nipple, while the other worked its way around the O between the doll’s legs. Xaxi’s pussy was dripping wet, sticking her clothes to her uncomfortably. Xaxi awkwardly wriggled herself nude, and rubbed her freed slit against the top of the doll’s thigh.

“Oh, Ada!” Xaxi moaned, and wondered where the name had come from. But it felt right and the question of its source was quickly out of her mind. All Xaxi cared about was grinding and moving her supple flesh all over the body of her latex lover.

Completely immobile inside her rubber form, Ada’s mind was going wild. She didn’t know how long it had been since Sylvia had left her crumpled on the floor. Ada only knew that her intense horniness, and the inability to act on it, had been slowly driving her mad.

But now, with this incredible woman’s tongue inside what was once her shapely mouth, and fingers exploring her artificially opened pussy, Ada was experiencing orgasm after orgasm. And she found herself lusting after...Xaxi, was it? All Ada could see from her affixed and open eyes was a side of the face that was passionately sucking on the orifice in her own rubber visage.

But Ada knew she didn’t ever want this lover to stop leave her side.

Xaxi, despite the vigor of her desires, was only made of flesh and blood and was beginning to tire. She wanted to continue the pleasure-making with her new lover, but one-sided sex required a lot of effort. Xaxi was also horny as hell, and Ada couldn’t get her off.

“God, I wish you could fuck me back,” the exhausted bouncer groaned.

Ada instantly felt a tingle wash over her body. There was no delay after that. All of the previously useless urges she’d had to grip this woman’s tits, to wrap her legs around her hips, to grind their bodies together, we now suddenly being acted out.

This action of course was unexpected by Xaxi, who almost fell backwards onto the floor as he previously motionless form beneath her moved. Almost because Ada was extremely eager to give back all of the please Xaxi had been giving her, and her limbs quickly wrapped around the other woman to hold her tight.

Stabilized with bare rubber and flesh asses grinding into the rug, the pair locked eyes and felt the unexpected love swell within them. Ada then shifted and planted the open O of her mouth onto Xaxi’s left nipple. Ada no longer had a tongue or lips that could squeeze it, but she found that she could suck. Xaxi shivered at the sensation of her tit being drawn into Ada’s head, and as she pleasured her lover one of Ada’s rubber hands slipped down Xaxi’s body between her legs.

“Oh...fuck yes...right there…” Xaxi whimpered as Ada’s dexterous digits found the fleshy woman’s very hard and wet clit. Ada’s hand was swiftly slick with shimmering fluids as she explored Xaxi’s folds, turning her hand so that her thumb pushed on the sensitive button while her other fingers pushed down and inward.

Xaxi was bouncing up and down on the carpet, every muscle quivering and spasming. The sounds coming from her mouth had devolved from words to primal grunts of carnal need. Or moreso, desperation. Ada grabbed Xaxi’s ass with her free hand and slapped it a few times, feeling how her lover’s body reacted hungrily to it. Xaxi’s actions were becoming more and more twitching, and Ada could tell that her lover was about to hit the cusp.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…” gurgled up from a place deep within Xaxi, and overflowed from her mouth as her orgasm gripped every fiber of her being. Her arms and legs pulled Ada tightly to her and locked up, and the rubber woman gently caressed what bare skin she could reach as Xaxi struggled to find her afterglow.

After a very long moment Ada felt Xaxi begin to relax, and the pair rolled along the floor onto their sides. They were facing each other, eyes staring back and forth. Xaxi’s blinked and her irises focused as she looked her lover up and down. Ada’s were painted glass and she had no impulse to blink them, but her unnatural stare passing along Xaxi’s lines did not disturb Xaxi in the slightest.

If anything, both women felt they had a perfect lover like no other, and we each perfectly happy to curl into the differing substances of each other’s bodies. After a moment of silence Xaxi finally spoke up;

“That was wonderful, but maybe next time we’ll use the bed, okay?”

to be continued...


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