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New stuff!

I'm trying to make the reading experience for SitC: All Decked Out much more enjoyable this time around, building on my whole "the sequel should improve on the original" idea.

Attached you'll find a new PDF featuring all of the character introductions - some of which are cleaned up with a little new material - and the next portion of the story, as Cindi and Akari finish their evening before heading to the game. There's the usual *** marker, but also chapters and a clickable index!

You will also see a new way for me to track things at the end of the PDF - a little summary of each character's current status, so I can keep better consistency for each of them. I reserve the right to switch things up when it is in the best interest of the story, so don't count anything I put in there that may be a note to myself as canon until you see it in the story.

Something else that is different about this game is that the characters will have long breaks between rounds to deal with the impact of card effects. I wanted to open up to all of you the chance to recommend activities or situations you may want to see dealt with. I can't promise everything suggested will be used, as I need to keep a narrative, but since I've never been to Las Vegas I wanted to hear what people had to request or recommend - although they don't have to be Vegas-centric ideas. You'll find a new tab in the doc linked below where you can make recommendations.


I think that is everything...really enjoying this as we get a much fuller story underway!

Thanks for reading,



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