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Another story of the poor chosen hero facing a giant again, man, at this point, if the next time someone going to pick a chosen hero, they should test if they can handle the giant first, because if not, soon, that chosen hero going to… Let’s say, not end well, and they have to pick a new hero later on so why wasting time doing that when you can just pick the right one that not going to end so easily? Or they are going to just keep picking here and there until they got lucky and that one don’t die or something? Well, guess it’s their problem, not mine… Let’s see what happened in this story, shall we? LOL!

By the way, the big character in this story is not a furry, just wanting to change a mood! Hope you enjoy seeing this guy, okay? It’s not often anyway! Think of it as a little rare moment, we probably getting more furry guys tomorrow so…

Okay, look like our chosen hero just found a giant garden, everything here is so big, or maybe he’s shrunk but we don’t know that, what we know is this garden belongs to this big mushroom guy here and he don’t like bug running around in his place, you know what he do to bug that dare entered his garden? He crushes them into a mess of meals, that’s it! And poor hero, he have no chance to fight back, chosen hero or whatever, tiny is a tiny, look like the end is looming near our hero, time to pick the new chosen hero, I guess? Just when this mushroom guy press his big feet down, it’s time for the birth of new hero… Or is it?

As the giant is about to land the big feet down on poor chosen hero, he starting to feel bad for our weak hero a little bit, and decided not to do so, but not without a little favor to do! How about this, little bug, if you licking my toe clean, I’ll let you go unharmed, even with that little body of you, you can do this much, right? Get your tongue into a good use and serve me, to save yourself! I even only let you just one toe, don’t make me change to the whole feet, will you? Our hero didn’t want to do it but guess it better than being stomped into a pool of bloody mass so he’ll do it, this is humiliating, yes but sometime you need to embarrass yourself a bit, okay? Let’s hope he don’t have to do this again, just finish this and get out of here, never go near here again! LOL!!!

And that’s the story for today, nothing much but I hope you will enjoy seeing different characters that not just a furry characters one in a while, and hope our chosen hero making it out just fine, don’t want people to have hard time picking next hero again and again, right? LOL!!! So, good luck, hero! And the mushroom guy, hope you keep your words about letting the hero go! I’ll see you guy again real soon!



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