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I loves the idea of shrunken people got placed into a small container like a box, a jar or a bottle, I think I said that for a while now, when I think about it, I’m not sure if I should call this idea cute or scary, or both? Or it’s just me? Anyway! I can’t get enough of this idea but today, we’ll go a little more than just putting some tiny dude in a jar, we did a lot of that already so we’ll add more fun into the scenario, and just happened to be one of the Mahou Shoujou series too! So! I hope you will enjoy this one! Let’s jump into the story and see what’s this all about!

Look like we got two magical warriors this time, but both are defeated by this villain fox guy, and what did he do? He decided to humiliating the heroines by putting both into an enchanted bottle, try as you wanting to but it will never break unless he said so, and not just that, in this bottle, he also filling it will a potion, not much, but this is a shrinking potion! It will shrink person in it, slowly but they’ll keep shrinking down and down for sure! See what he trying to do? He is planning to enjoy seeing the two magical fighters shrinking down every day and not just that, when they shrunk down small enough, they’ll drown in that potion too! Oh no! What a cruel villain he is! Toying with their life like this! But he’s right, if no one comes for them, they’ll shrink down small enough to drown, this is bad, this is the end for them!? No, they must not give up so quick, they’re sure that the other Mahou Shoujous will come and help them, but will they able to come in time!?

As time went on, they really keep shrinking down, as the fox planned, and the help still not show up… They can tell that their time is running shot, this is bad, is that it? This is the end for them? But just then, as the villain fox displayed the bottle in the middle of villain headquarter so other villains can see them too, one villain, a hippo, think just letting them drown is a bit too quick, and no fun, maybe they can dragging time a little more, like what? Well, he got an idea! The villain hippo decided to step in and dropped his booger into the bottle, Gross! But putting the grossness aside, the two shrunken magical warriors can use it as a boat to keep themselves alive in this deadly situation, it is gross and very humiliating but in order to keep themselves alive, they must use this!

Well, it was not perfect method as the booger will shrinking down too, now the two shrunken fighters are not in the potion so they’ll not shrinking down more but when the booger can no longer save them… Who know what will happen? Not sure if the hippo will be nice enough to give another one later…

Oh well, guess using the boogey as a shield will do, for now, it will take time to shrinking down so that’s okay! Let’s hope the other Mahou Shoujous will come and rescue these two out of this deadly bottle before it too late! As long as you two don’t give up, I’m sure your call for help will get an answer, just hang in there a little more, okay? I’m sure you two will be just fine!!! …Maybe? …Anyway! Good luck, you two! And hope you all enjoy this little comic I made, I’ll see you again real soon!



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