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Normally I wait to post until the middle of the week to post about whatever it is I'm working on, but I thought this was super cool, So I'm sharing it. I don't know if all of you love audio books like I do, but they are a blessing while you drive, and I would never have gotten through the whole Dune series without them.

Sadly, where I live right now precludes me actually voicing an audiobook of Tenebroum, but I was playing with an AI and some audio software, and I think what came out is very listenable. Download it and give it a listen. Let me know what you think! Is this something you guys would be interested in? Ultimately if I wanted to make more than about 1 a month, I would have to get a paid subscription, but I could always just make an audio tier for a dollar or two more a month for the people that are interested. It takes a little time, but it's kind of fun. 

Note: If I did this, the goal would be about 8 chapters a month, so it would take a while to catch up. 


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