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Now with much more penis! Toaster what have you done!?

(do let me know if I've missed any of the detailed ones, though. That's the line, I'm drawing, I guess??? Yes, YouTube is confusing and inconsistent in its messaging about this stuff)


Let's Play Fear & Hunger Parts 5-8 (Patreon Early Access)



I fear that Morte doesn't work consistently. For example when a item is used on a character it shows the character menu without the sidebar making it centered differently. Here an example: https://youtu.be/dOAeucVS5_o?t=14406


Yeah, I've had to re-edit the future public version to have yet another Morte lmao

Li Boom

When are the next episodes?

Lotus Gramarye

So I got two things to say. First I'd a recommendation, that y'all check out worm girl's excellent story retrospective for the first game. It takes what we know of this game to be canon from the sequel and uses it to properly lay out each of the heros journeys and what they did and probably would have done. It's really good. Second is that I wouldn't call the first game an imm sim but the second game I would. People use it as a genre but it's more of a design ethos, of giving the player genuine choices to make within the constraints of the story, and letting them come up with logical solutions to the problems the game presents. And the second game does that in spades.