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Previous episodes: https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/posts?tag=Q%26A 

Send in your questions as a message to me here on Patreon!

Every question so far: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jrZY9WsEvdCu_KYyF1XQJbvfixSFDlIJxenv6xGKWlc/edit?usp=sharing


Questions from Patreon Part 84 - What Games Get Replayed?

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ Infenes: In terms of going "back" to games you have already played - is this something you definitely will not do by choice, or will you lean on going back to a game (let's say, The Sojourn) when you feel it might make some sense to do so - such as when a sequel may come out. Disclaimer: I know you have replayed certain games like Dark Souls with multiple builds, or Bioshock for Patreon. I guess the second part of this question is whether you might go back to a game that does not necesariiy offer different playstyles or which have been asked for by patrons.


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