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Questions from Patreon Part 63 - Indie vs. AAA

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ krmine: I'm not making a rebuttal against you by saying this (I can respect your opinion), but can you expand on why you think AAA games are generally lacking mechanically and/or narrative-ly compared to indie games? In my opinion, this is generally untrue. I agree that indie games are more diverse, and the select ones that garner a lot of attention are able to do so because they have such a strong and unique identity; but generally I don't think that AAA games have a lack of identity. Say, the strong characterization and world-building of Witcher games, the generally colorful settings and unique mechanics found in Nintendo games, the extensive stealth mechanics of a MGS game, the combination of great cinematics and satisfying gameplay found in some games like the latest God of War and perhaps Yakuza games(?), or the vast customization that goes into a game like Monster Hunter: World. I agree that there are a select number of AAA games that don't offer much and are too derivative, like the recent Spiderman, or games that are too Naughty Dog and don't offer much gameplay, but there is still an argument to be made about the AAA games that offer interesting premises alongside indie games. Again, I'm not saying you should stop playing indie games, but I just wanted your thoughts on this since I disagreed with your statement.



I agree with your point about diversity in games so long as the game was planed like that in the first place NOT changed in a half baked way JUST to be diverse .


Not only is it basically impossible to ever prove whether something was changed for the "wrong" reasons, talking about this premise of "forced diversity" creates a harmful environment were anyone, fictional or real, who is not a straight white male has to constantly prove that they deserve to be there because they're constantly accused of only existing to fulfill a quota or "pander to the PC crowd" or whatever. It's trick rhetoric, and for the people who popularized it ALL diversity is "forced diversity."

Karl Miller

Thats how everyone should say Scaffolding. Also, "Hulk Joker"? You mean Bain Joker.


Both fair points. I was really only talking about when devs make a big song and dance about how there changing this or that to be "inclusive" and not how it will improve the game. such changes can most certainly be improvements but just doing it just for PR is so annoying.