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Previous episodes: https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/posts?tag=Q%26A 

Send in your questions as a message to me here on Patreon!

Every question so far: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jrZY9WsEvdCu_KYyF1XQJbvfixSFDlIJxenv6xGKWlc/edit?usp=sharing


Questions from Patreon Part 62 - Blizzard, Hong Kong, NBA, WWE, and Manic Capitalism Ranting

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/



I feel your pain for me I stopped supporting blizzard years ago. last thing I payed for was heart of the swarm. This was just finally enuf for me to let them go completely. I understand you just want to have fun with your friend. I have done alota "gray" stuff in the name of games with the vary few friends I have hacked games used VPN work arounds and emulated. no one is all good and you cant live like that anyway. im going to stick around regardless. Do whats best for you man. (also hard to type long comments on here XP)


Like you said yourself, money is the only and ultimate goal of corporations like Blizzard, Ea etc...So not giving them your money (by boycott) is the only effective consequence you have available to show your own dissatisfaction with the companies policy. Sometimes even if you are monetary disadvantaged due to your preferences (=no China money) you actually feel good with your decisions later. And in the end everybody is a lifeform and if somebody thinks capitalism is "alright" to keep in our society even with all the clearly visible problems (economically,ecologically and for life on this planet in general) i personally think this person is a doofus and should be opposed. To the argument of the correct answer under the given rules... some time ago Slavery was appropriate and you were endangered if you opposed it, a century ago you had to be a National Socialist in Europe or you were suspicious, a few decades ago you had to be pro nuke Hiroshima and pro napalm vietnamese villages or you were a communist traitor.... What people should have learned (in my opinion) is that being non-conform is often the much more ethically sound option. Said all that this is a personal decision, Everybody as he or she pleases.