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Questions from Patreon Part 38 - Ban All Memes

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ 0:10 Posi Tron: Please enlighten me, as i'am not north american: Deltarune is so stuffed with references, not just memes but deeper going statements and feelings. Are Toby Fox's games something like a manifest, a cultural essence of his generation. Like "catcher in the Rye" was in the 50s? I'am not american but i lived in LA in the 90s and experienced the local color and youth culture of this time from nickelodeon to 4chan. Some echoes of this time seem to live within games like Deltarune or Thimbleweed Park. Toby Fox is around 30 now. One comment on your Deltarune series was like: "I am glad you are getting all the jokes, because i am certainly not.". That made me smile and think about it. Lots of other youtubers are really affected and touched by this game. Toby Fox says in his Q&A that he woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about if the players will "get" what he had on his mind. So i would be interested: Is Deltarune an american cultural time capsule and whats your part/your thoughts in/on that? You can clearly decipher all/lots of the context in the game and you where "part of the show", as you been to high school and college, had your coming of age at radioshack etc.pp. Thanks for your insights :) 24:14 Anonymous: When you play Japanese RPGs could you please as default select the original Japanese audio? This seems to be a systemic issue on Youtube where let's plays don't play the real audio track because the games default to English audio. I wanted to watch your Tales of Zestiria series but I couldn't get past the english audio? 49:50 Zardonis: What are your thoughts on internet memes? Considering how significantly YouTube and the internet have changed throughout the years, it's very likely that you've seen way more than your fair share of them. 1:20:55 Sathe: How would you fix our current government and social problems? P.S. USA



well I am split on the whole subject of subs/dubs vs original language. On one hand getting a proper localization is great but if done less than stellarly it more often than not destroy the original tone. Lets take several animes for example, I am not big on anime but my brother dragged me into seeing some and the incertion of personal opinions as well as rewriting entire characters tend to destroy the experience for me. Cutting original content is infected with similar problems, the infamous laughter scene from final fantasy 10 is such an example from a long list. Being European I am more or less bi lingual and have a rudamentiary understanding of atleast one more. Lack of regular practice can affect my grammar and my "automatic spelling" of words at times but the meaning isn't that much of an issue. Familarity and openmindedness is more of what creates this cultural connection I think. As for meme's ....well it came from social medias viral aspects and as such they are "unique"...not allways in the best ways.


I don't understand how FFX is an example. I played the game when it was brand new and it was always pretty clear what the scene was meant to be. People seem to just randomly use a clip of it without context as an example of bad voice acting even though the premise of the performance was to be doing a bad fake laugh.


well the laugh scene in particular don't even exist in the japanese version in the same form as it does in the english version. The laugh is still there but the tone around it is diffrent. You are absolutley right in that it is an example of bad voice acting but the acting removed the original tone. The scene is actually softer in the japanese version thanks to changes in the emphasis used. Other cases are far worse and changed entire concepts, sorry if the following ones are from anime but my brother burned them into my brain. Sailor moon jupiter or mars is actually lesbian originally but had her entire character concept rewritten in the english version. Gamergate pikes got incerted into several anime dubs among them prison school at the cost of the original content in the entirety. Another infamous one is the riceballs from pokemon being called donuts in the english version. This isn't limited to anime either. Dragon quest games have had entire character personalities rewritten. Good localization will allways be good but once tampered with there is allways the risk of examples as above sneaking in. I am not a original language fanatic but when you localize atleast respect what the original intended to say.

Posi Tron

Hey. Thanks a lot for your answer. Helped me get rid of some stereotypes in my head. I suspected that translation of comedy/humor could be the thing here, especially your explanation of how a slightly changed narrative and wordplay creates funny context. Reminds me of my first relationship in LA back then, both fallen in love, but lots of really awkward dialogue, because it was so hard to express subtle or deeper feelings in a foreign language; it felt like playing piano with a Hammer. Thanks for your time and opinion, Keith