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Four months had passed since Emily had started her Youtube channel, and while her channel had experienced significant growth, so had her waistline. Her channel had grown more popular with each video, having just recently reached 100,000 subscribers. Viewers seemed to enjoy her bubbly personality and pretty face. However, the constant gorging to appease her viewers had taken a significant toll on Emily’s figure. Unbeknownst to her, she had put on almost 25 pounds, her weight now reaching 148 pounds. The effects were evident throughout her physique. Her once slender face now showcased a subtle double chin, a telltale sign of the extra pounds she had gained.

In her videos, as she moved her arms to interact with her audience, a gentle jiggle became apparent, highlighting the softness that now graced her upper body. Her previously toned arms had taken on a more voluptuous form, a result of her indulgent culinary adventures.Her thickened thighs now rubbed together as she walked, indicating the expansion they had undergone. However, the most significant gain could be seen in her midsection.

Her once trim waistline had thickened considerably, and her stomach now protruded with a noticeable roundness. The belly became the most apparent and largest gain, a visual representation of the delightful feasts she had shared with her audience. What was once a relatively flat stomach had transformed into a more rounded and protruding abdomen.

During her mukbang videos, her belly could be seen protruding over her waistband, especially as she sat down to enjoy her meals. The roundness was noticeable even through her clothes, which now hugged her midsection more snugly than before.

To celebrate the channel reaching 100,000 subscribers, Emily and Grace had decided to get lunch together at a local burger joint. However, Emily struggled to find an outfit to wear for the celebration. Tops were too tight around her bust, skirts struggled to zip up over her thicker waist, and jeans clung to her fuller thighs. Feeling exasperated, she tossed discarded clothes onto her bed, searching for something that could accommodate her new shape.

Finally, she spotted a tight white skirt she had bought months ago but never wore. Taking a deep breath, she squeezed into it, feeling the snug fabric stretch around her widened hips and thighs. She paired it with a red top that emphasized her fuller breasts, and despite the clothes being a bit too snug, Emily decided it would have to do for her special day.

At the restaurant, Grace was waiting for Emily in a cozy booth. As Emily arrived, Grace beamed, congratulating her friend on her impressive achievement.

"Thank you, Grace! I'm so happy we get to celebrate this together," Emily said with a smile.

Grace couldn't help but notice how tight Emily's clothes looked on her, but she didn't want to ruin the special day by mentioning it. Instead, she focused on the positive and kept the conversation light as they chatted about Emily's YouTube journey and her plans for future videos.

The waiter came by to take their orders, and Emily confidently ordered two bacon double cheeseburgers, a large fries, and a vanilla shake. Grace was certainly surprised at the size of her order, but didn’t want to be rude, so decided not to bring it up directly. Grace settled on the classic cheeseburger for herself.

"Wow, Em, you must be really hungry today!" Grace teased lightly about her friend's order.

Emily laughed, "I am! But I can't eat too much; I have to film a video this afternoon."

“That is ‘not eating too much’ for her?” Grace thought to herself, “And did she say she’s going to eat more after this?!”.

As their food arrived, Emily's wasted no time, digging in with an unrestrained gusto. She picked up the first bacon double cheeseburger, its juicy patties stacked high, and took a massive bite, the corners of her mouth smudged with cheese and sauce. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she savored the explosion of flavors, and she couldn't help but emit small sounds of pleasure between each mouthful.

Grace, her friend and dining companion, watched in a mix of amazement and concern. Emily's voracious appetite was a sight to behold, and she couldn't fathom how her petite friend managed to devour the burgers with such speed and enthusiasm. Grace took a more measured approach to her own meal, nibbling slowly on her burger while occasionally glancing over at Emily in disbelief.

Before Grace could even finish half of her burger, Emily had already polished off both of her bacon double cheeseburgers. It seemed as though the food vanished before her eyes.

Emily moved on to her large fries, showing no signs of slowing down. She dug into the mound of crispy goodness with gusto, occasionally dunking a fry into her vanilla shake. Grace, meanwhile, continued to pace herself, unable to keep up with Emily's seemingly insatiable appetite.

Despite her concern, Grace couldn't help but admire Emily's ability to relish each bite with genuine delight. The piggish demeanor that Emily exhibited wasn't one of gluttony but rather a genuine love for the culinary experience. She understood that her friend's passion for food was an integral part of her identity and an expression of her enjoyment of life's simple pleasures.

As they finally wrapped up their meal, Emily unbuttoned her skirt, leaning back and patting her belly with contentment. "That was amazing!" she exclaimed with a blissful smile. Grace couldn't help but smile back, appreciating the joy that her friend found in something as simple as sharing a delicious meal.

Grace couldn't help but question her, "Are you really going to film a mukbang after eating all that food?"

Emily shrugged, "I have to stay consistent with my uploads to keep my channel growing. It's part of the job."

Grace's concern was evident in her expression, but she tried to keep it gentle. "I just worry about the toll all that food might be taking on your body. It can't be good for you."

Emily brushed off the concern, "Don't worry, Grace. It hasn’t affected me until now, and if I start to notice anything I’ll just work out more."

Grace couldn't help but glance at her friend's exposed belly peeking through the unbuttoned and unzipped skirt, but she didn't want to hurt Emily's feelings.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right” she reluctantly agreed, not wanting to upset her friend on what was meant to be a celebration.

When the bill came, Emily insisted on paying, surprising Grace. Grace offered to split the bill, but Emily hinted at her YouTube earnings being quite generous, and Grace eventually agreed, letting Emily pay for the celebratory lunch.

As they said their goodbyes and headed home, Grace couldn't shake the feeling of concern for Emily. She knew that being a mukbang YouTuber was Emily's passion, but she hoped her friend wouldn't lose sight of her health in the process.


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