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Emily and Grace are a pair of childhood best friends, and college freshmen. The girls are inseparable, doing almost everything together, but had recently found it more difficult to find time to catch up, as they attended different colleges.

Emily is a bright and bubbly girl with a striking 5'8" figure with long, midnight-black hair that tumbled gracefully down her back, her bangs framing her enchanting brown eyes. Grace, standing at a delicate 5'6", had a radiant presence with her long, sun-kissed blonde hair that seemed to capture the essence of the sun's warmth, her captivating blue eyes glistening with curiosity.

Both Emily and Grace had immaculately thin figures, despite their voracious appetite for lunch dates and fast-food adventures and lack of excercise, they remained effortlessly slender, never needing to endure the torment of diets or grueling workouts.

It was her infallible metabolism and perfect figure that gave Emily the idea she was sharing with Grave today.

"You can't be serious," exclaimed Grace, her eyes widening in surprise as she sat across from her best friend Emily at the local café.

Emily grinned, excitement shining in her eyes. "I am! I've decided to become a mukbang YouTuber."

"But Emily," Grace said with concern, "eating all that food can't be healthy. You've never gained weight before, but this could be different."

Emily shrugged off Grace's worry. "I've always been a big eater, and I've envied how much money mukbang YouTubers make. It's a dream job for me! Besides, I can handle it. I'll just work off any extra calories with some exercise."

Grace was still hesitant, but she decided to support her friend's dreams. "Okay, if you're sure about this, then I'll be here for you every step of the way."

That night, Emily dove headfirst into her new venture. She set up her YouTube channel, designed her logo, and arranged the filming equipment in her cozy apartment. Excitement bubbled within her as she laid out an impressive array of food on the table—fried chicken, pizzas, burgers, ramen, and an assortment of delectable desserts.

"Hey, guys, it's Emily!" she greeted the camera with a big smile, hitting the record button to start her first mukbang video. "I'm so excited to share this journey with you all. Today, I've got an epic feast in front of me, and I can't wait to dig in!"

In her nervous excitement, Emily sat in front of the camera, ready to embark on her very first YouTube adventure. A colorful array of crispy chicken and cheesy pizza spread out before her, making her stomach rumble with anticipation. With a deep breath, she hit the record button.

"I am so thrilled to be here with you today on my very first YouTube video!" She exclaimed, her voice quivering with a mix of enthusiasm and nerves. "I've been a foodie all my life, and I've finally mustered the courage to share my love for food with all of you!"

She reached for a crispy chicken drumstick, taking a small bite, and her face lit up with delight. "Mmm, oh my goodness! This chicken is incredible! The perfect combination of crispy and juicy." She glanced at the camera, as if to assure herself that she was doing okay.

"I've been dreaming of creating this channel for ages, where we can all connect over our shared love for delicious food," Emily continued, a genuine smile forming on her face. "Let's make this a foodie community, where we exchange recipes, restaurant recommendations, and most importantly, cherish the joy of eating together!"

Throughout the video, she stumbled over her words occasionally, but her friendly and charismatic personality still shone through.

Midway through the video, Emily's enthusiasm remained unwavering, but her eyes widened as she realized the sheer amount of food before her. "Wow, guys, this is a lot more than I anticipated!" she chuckled nervously, trying to keep her composure. She took another bite of the crispy chicken, but it was evident that she was beginning to struggle to finish it all.

"Okay, I might have overestimated my appetite a little," she admitted with a sheepish grin. "But hey, that's what happens when you're super excited and hungry, right?" Emily laughed, trying to make light of the situation.

As the video progressed, she took smaller bites and occasionally paused to drink some water. "I promise, I'm not giving up on this deliciousness," she assured her audience. "But man, this pizza is so cheesy, and the chicken is so flavorful... I might have met my match!" She giggled, trying to maintain her friendly and approachable demeanor despite her fullness.

By the time she reached the end of the video, it was clear that Emily was completely stuffed. She patted her taut stomach with a satisfied smile, but also a hint of regret. "I think I might have bitten off more than I could chew – literally!" she joked, though it was clear that she genuinely felt bad about not finishing all the food.

As the video came to a close, Emily looked into the camera, her heart overflowing with gratitude. "Thank you all for joining me on this food journey. Your support means everything to me, and I can't wait to create more amazing content for all of you!" She blew a kiss to the camera, bidding her viewers farewell.

As the camera stopped recording, Emily let out a sigh of relief, rubbing her belly. "That was a lot of food," she muttered to herself. "Maybe I went a bit overboard for my first video."

Later that night, after uploading the video to her channel, Emily lay in bed, her stomach still feeling uncomfortably full. But even with the discomfort, she couldn't help but dream of the fame and success that might await her as a mukbang YouTuber. The anticipation of what the future held made her heart race with excitement.

As the days turned into weeks, Emily eagerly checked her YouTube channel, hoping for a surge in views. However, her first video had only garnered a few hundred views, and even after a week, it sat disappointingly at 1.3k views. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of discouragement, but she was not dissuaded. Emily believed that if she stayed consistent and kept uploading, her viewership would grow eventually.

Undeterred, she recorded her second mukbang video, this time featuring a tantalizing seafood boil with crab legs, shrimp, and all the fixings. Her third video showcased a mouthwatering barbecue bonanza with various smoked meats and grilled vegetables. For her fourth video, she ventured into the world of sweet treats, indulging in a dessert-themed mukbang, with an assortment of cakes, cookies, and ice cream.

As Emily continued to upload consistently, she found her hard work began to pay off. Slowly but steadily, her views increased, and after a month of consistent uploading, she had surpassed 50k views in total. Positive comments flooded her videos, with viewers expressing their enjoyment of her bubbly personality and her love for food.

However, Emily was so focused on her growing channel that she failed to notice the subtle changes happening to her body. The frequent indulgence in the copious amounts of food she consumed during her mukbangs had taken a toll on her physique. Though still barely noticeable, her once flat stomach had begun to develop a small pooch, and her thighs had taken on a slightly thicker appearance. Her modest assets had also shown signs of growth.

The changes were not drastic, but they were there. Emily had noticed her clothes feeling a bit tighter, but she attributed it to bloating from the mukbangs and dismissed any concerns.

With the encouragement of her growing viewership, Emily became more determined than ever to expand her channel further. She decided to increase her upload frequency to twice a week, thinking it would attract even more viewers and accelerate her path to YouTube stardom.

She brainstormed new and exciting mukbang themes, planning to explore different cuisines and challenge her eating skills. From spicy noodle challenges to trying out exotic dishes from around the world, Emily was fully committed to providing engaging and entertaining content to her growing audience.

As Emily enthusiastically filmed and shared her love for food with her viewers, the slight changes in her body continued to go unnoticed. The mukbangs had become an integral part of her life, and she was reveling in her newfound passion and growing success on YouTube.

Little did Emily know that her journey into the world of mukbang would have far-reaching consequences, not only in terms of her internet fame but also in her physical appearance and overall well-being. The path she had chosen was filled with both opportunities and challenges, and as her popularity soared, she would soon come to realize that her love for food came with a price she hadn't fully anticipated.


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