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Over the course of almost six months working at Kerry's Bakery, Melody's role had expanded from customer service to encompass baking aswell. Kerry had recognized Melody's talent and passion for baking, taking her under her wing as an apprentice baker. As Melody immersed herself in the world of baking, her knowledge and skills grew, as did her waistline.

Constantly trying new recipes and surrounded by an abundance of leftover baked goods, Melody found it challenging to resist indulging in the temptations that surrounded her. The combination of her expanding baking expertise and her weakening willpower had taken a toll on her figure. On top of this, she had also been forced to leave her soccer team due to time constraints, as the demands of her new job got in the way of her rigorous training schedule. The result was a significant weight gain of 52 pounds, transforming her from a once-lean 103 pounds to a voluptuous 155 pounds.

Her once-toned muscles softened, giving way to the emergence of a layer of thick chub that adorned her figure. The most noticeable transformation was her belly. What was once a flat and firm midsection now boasted a significant roundness, representing the culmination of her delectable culinary endeavors. It protruded out over her waistband, filled out her shirts and formed into two thick rolls when she sat.

Melody's once-slender waist had surrendered its trim and defined form, embracing a rounder shape that accentuated her fuller hips and plump thighs. As she walked, her thickened thighs gently rubbed against each other, the friction serving as a constant testament to her overindulgence.

Her hips, now more pronounced and curvaceous, swayed with each step, drawing the attention and admiration of onlookers. Her ass had taken on a newfound bounce, contributing to the captivating allure that accompanied her every stride. The delicate jiggle of her posterior as she walked added a touch of sensuality to her movements. Even her once modest breasts had gained a fuller and more rounded appearance, going from a B cup to a D.

There was no denying it - Melody was officially fat. Her overindulgent lifestyle working at Kerry's bakery had inflated her once athletic figure beyond recognition. Despite this, Melody remained largely oblivious to just how much she had let herself go. Her bathroom scale had gone untouched since starting her new role. She knew she had gained some weight; there was no doubting that. She had anticipated that having to quit the soccer team and taste-testing so many treats would have some impact on her figure. However, she remained unaware of just how big she had gotten, attributing the changes in her life to other causes. When her work pants wouldn't button anymore, it was the dryer that had shrunk them. As far as Melody was concerned, the changes in her figure were minor, and she could lose the extra pounds whenever she liked, an unwavering conviction that kept her from fully recognizing the extent of her transformation.

Melody's day at the bakery began with the sweet scent of freshly baked goods filling the air as she stepped into the bustling kitchen. Alongside Kerry, they don their aprons and embark on a baking adventure. They measure, mix, and knead dough with skillful hands, engaging in lively conversation as they bring their creations to life.

Kerry, too, had experienced some weight gain from the constant recipe tasting. However, due to her already voluptuous figure, the changes were far less noticeable. The additional pounds she had acquired blended seamlessly into her existing curves, adding a touch of softness to her already ample frame.

"Kerry, I've been thinking about trying a new recipe today," Melody suggests, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Kerry looks up from the dough she's kneading, a smile forming on her plump lips. "Oh, I love your enthusiasm, Melody! What's the recipe you have in mind?"

"It's a twist on our cinnamon rolls. I thought we could incorporate some chopped pecans and a drizzle of caramel sauce on top," Melody explains, her voice brimming with anticipation.

Kerry's eyes light up with delight. "That sounds absolutely divine! Let's give it a go."

As the tantalizing aroma of the baking cinnamon rolls fills the air, Melody and Kerry eagerly observe their creations through the oven window. The dough rises, turning a beautiful golden-brown hue. The kitchen is alive with excitement as they anticipate the delightful flavors that await them.

Once the rolls are ready, they carefully transfer them onto a cooling rack. Melody's mouth waters as she takes in the sight of the sticky caramel sauce cascading down the sides, the pecans adding a delightful crunch.

Kerry breaks off a piece of a warm cinnamon roll, savoring the aroma before taking a bite. "Mmm, the flavors are incredible! The caramel sauce adds a whole new dimension. What do you think, Melody?"

As she examines the pastries, a slight frown forms on Melody's face. "Something feels off, Kerry. They're good, but they're missing that wow factor."

Kerry nods in agreement, her brows furrowing. "You're right, Melody. They need a little something extra to make them truly exceptional."

They both take another bite, the flavors unfolding on their tongues. Melody ponders for a moment before a mischievous smile spreads across her face. "What if we added a hint of almond extract to the filling?"

Kerry's eyes light up with excitement. "That's a brilliant idea, Melody! The almond extract will provide a delightful twist."

"Well," Kerry says, her lips curling into a sly smile, "we shouldn't let these go to waste." She licks her lips enticingly, eyes fixed on the remaining pastries.

Melody chuckles, her own mouth watering at the sight. "You're absolutely right, Kerry. Let's indulge a bit more."

The two women exchange knowing glances before diving into the tray of pastries. Before long, the tray is empty.

"These may not be perfect yet, but they're still incredibly satisfying," Melody remarks, patting her stomach, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Kerry nods in agreement, stifling a burp. "Exactly. It's all part of the creative process my darling"

They wipe away the traces of crumbs and return to their baking duties.

As the morning progresses, Melody transitions into her customer service role.

During her lunch break, Melody sits down to enjoy her meal, a combination of her packed lunch and generous slice of their red velvet cake. The flavors dance on her palate, the chocolatey cake bringing immense satisfaction with every bite.

In the afternoon, Sophie arrives at the bakery, ready to lend a hand. She had joined the team just a week ago, brought on board to help manage the increasing demand during busy hours. As she walks through the door, the atmosphere becomes infused with a renewed energy.

Melody finds herself working side by side with Sophie, their tasks overlapping and intertwining. The counter, though bustling, becomes a stage for their seamless coordination. They exchange knowing glances and playful banter, gracefully maneuvering around each other as they serve customers and fulfill their cravings.

As the afternoon progresses, Melody can't help but notice the contrast between her own fuller figure and Sophie's slender frame. Sophie’s figure is not unfamiliar to Melodies when she had first started. She is thin and athletic. Occasionally, their paths accidentally collide, the counter seemingly shrinking to accommodate Melody's expanded presence.

As the day drew to a close, Melody bid farewell to Kerry and Sophia, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction. She gathered a selection of leftover treats, filling a bag that she intended to enjoy at home. With a newfound confidence and a heart full of passion, she stepped out into the world, ready to embrace her role as a baker and savor the sweet rewards it offered, both in taste and in the joy she brought to others.

Melody arrives home, her body tired from a long day at the bakery. As she sinks onto her bed, the mattress emits a noticeable creak under her weight, a stark reminder of her expanded figure. Exhausted but eager to indulge, she reaches for the bag of treats she brought home. The first pastry she selects is a decadent cream-filled éclair, its delicate choux pastry enticing her taste buds. She takes a bite, savoring the creamy filling that oozes out, the flavors melding together in a delightful explosion of sweetness.

With each successive pastry, Melody's indulgence deepens. She relishes the flaky layers of a buttery croissant, the rich chocolate ganache of a chocolate mousse cake, and the gooey caramel center of a sticky toffee pudding. The tastes and textures dance on her tongue, eliciting moans of satisfaction.

Halfway through her indulgent feast, Melody notices her work pants digging uncomfortably into her stomach. Realizing her growing belly needs more room to breathe, she unbuttons them, allowing her soft, plump gut to flow freely into her lap, resting comfortably on her fattened thighs. She continues devouring the treats, feeling an overwhelming sense of liberation as she gives in to her desires.

As she finishes the last bite, a contented burp escapes her lips. Melody's senses are heightened, and she takes a moment to fully immerse herself in the aftermath of her indulgence. She finds herself in awe of her expanded figure, her eyes fixated on the plump, bloated belly that now protrudes prominently from her once-toned abdomen. Curiosity overcomes her, and she reaches down, her fingertips sinking into the softness that now envelops her midsection. The sensation of her own flesh beneath her touch both surprises and entices her, fueling a newfound fascination with her changing body.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Melody rises from the bed and moves towards the mirror. The expanded reflection staring back at her is a stark reminder of the effects of her indulgence. Her unbuttoned pants serve as a tangible testament to her increasing size. She attempts to fasten the stubborn button, but it resists her efforts, refusing to secure itself around her expanding waistline. Frustrated, yet aware of the futility, she takes a deep breath. She squeezes the pants off her plump thighs, granting her body the freedom it craves.

As Melody stands before the mirror, her work shirt is the next to be shed, revealing her bra-clad breasts. She takes a moment to admire their increased size, fondling and jiggling them with a mixture of amusement and amazement. The weight and fullness of her breasts, once modest, now serve as a tangible symbol of her physical transformation. Each bounce and sway reinforces the reality of her expanding figure, and a wave of pleasure washes over her as she revels in her newfound curves. It's a moment of self-discovery and self-appreciation, as she embraces the changes that have taken place within her, marveling at the sensual power her body now possesses.

Melody's attention shifts to her face. She leans closer to the mirror, her fingers gently tracing the rounded contours of her double chin. She experiments with different angles, observing how the extra weight has subtly altered her facial features, adding a touch of maturity and allure.

Turning her focus downwards, Melody's gaze drifts towards her thighs, which have become more ample and curvaceous. She gives them a gentle jiggle, reveling in the newfound softness and the way they quiver under her touch. It's a testament to the transformation her body has undergone, a transformation that intrigues her. The sensation of her flesh yielding to her movements is a tangible reminder of the changes taking place within her.

Embracing the sense of curiosity, Melody decides to test her flexibility. With her belly now prominently protruding, she bends forward, attempting to reach her toes. During her days on the soccer team, this task was a standard warmup. Now however, she is met with resistance as her expanded midsection hinders her progress. She chuckles softly, realizing that her once effortless flexibility is now challenged by her voluptuous form. As she watches her expanded self struggle in the mirror, she feels a familiar tingle downstairs.

“Do I… like this?” she wonders to herself.

Still in her underwear, she makes her way to the bathroom, and pulls out her scale.. Standing before the mirror, she takes a deep breath and steps on the long-neglected bathroom scale.

The scale's needle keeps rising, well beyond what she had ever anticipated or imagined before stopping and hovering over a figure she had not expected.

156 pounds.

“That can’t be right” she thinks to herself, stepping off the scale and back on.

But the scale hovers over the same number.

It's a weight she had never imagined she would reach - a number significantly higher than she had ever been before. A bewildered look crosses her face as the reality of her transformation begins to sink in. The realization hits her like a ton of bricks, leaving her momentarily stunned. Some quick math tells her all she needs to know.

53 pounds.

She had gained 53 pounds.

Melody returned to her room, feeling the weight of the day's revelations and self-reflection. As she lay down on her bed, she couldn't help but notice a subtle creak emanating from beneath her. It was a sound she had never noticed before, but now it seemed more pronounced. She reaches down, one hand into her underwear, and one hand gripping her soft belly, and starts rubbing....


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