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It was a warm summer day, and Melody, a young woman full of ambition and a deep love for pastries, found herself standing outside Kerry's Bakery. and the irresistible aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, drawing her in. Melody was a tiny thing, standing only 5 foot 3 inches tool and weighing a measly 103 pounds. Her brown hair was tied up in its usual ponytail and her brown eyes sparkled with excitement. Cooking had been her passion since childhood, and the thought of working in a bakery, surrounded by the delicious treats that brought happiness to people's lives, had always been a dream close to her heart.

Melody had excelled in school, consistently achieving excellent grades and demonstrating a sharp intellect. However, despite her success in her studies, she had no intention of being shipped away to some college to study quantum physics. Instead, fueled by an unwavering passion for baking that had blossomed over the years, she made the bold decision to bypass college and embark on an adventure into the world of pastry and confections, determined to turn her beloved hobby into a fulfilling career.

Despite her deep appreciation for pastries, Melody possessed a surprising level of fitness owed to her commitment to playing soccer. Once a week, she would eagerly don her soccer gear, engaging in intense matches that pushed her physical boundaries. Additionally, she dedicated herself to two training sessions each week, honing her skills and maintaining her stamina. The combination of her love for cooking and her active lifestyle had resulted in a harmonious balance between her indulgent cravings and her dedication to staying fit.

As Melody stood there, the warm sun kissing her cheeks, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The very air seemed to whisper promises of delectable creations waiting to be discovered within Kerry's Bakery. It was a place where her culinary dreams could come true, and she longed to be a part of it.

Melody, a young and ambitious girl with a love for pastries, found herself standing in front of Kerry's Bakery. It was a warm summer day, and the inviting aroma of freshly baked goods wafted through the air, drawing her closer. She had always dreamt of working in a bakery, surrounded by the tantalizing delights that brought joy to people's lives.

Taking a deep breath, Melody pushed open the door and entered the cozy establishment. The moment she stepped inside, her eyes widened in astonishment. The display cases were filled with an abundance of mouthwatering treats, ranging from flaky croissants to decadent chocolate cakes. Melody couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest.

As she approached the counter, a friendly, plump woman with a warm smile greeted her. It was Kerry, the bakery owner. Kerry was a sweet and quite heavy middle-aged lady with an infectious warmth that radiated from her. Her round face carried a perpetual smile, and her twinkling eyes mirrored her love for pastries and the joy they brought to people's lives. Despite her fuller figure, Kerry exuded confidence and contentment, embracing her own curves with pride.

Her ample frame was a testament to her deep appreciation for the baked goods she lovingly created. With rosy cheeks and a welcoming demeanor, Kerry embodied the very essence of a baker - someone who delighted in crafting delicious treats and sharing them with others. Her experience in the bakery industry shone through in her expertise and attention to detail, allowing her to create mouthwatering pastries that garnered loyal customers and rave reviews. She noticed the resume in Melodies hands, and a smile lit up her face.

"Welcome to Kerry's Bakery, dear," Kerry said warmly. "Are you here for the job opening?"

During her job interview, Melody sat nervously in front of Kerry, who peered at her resume with a kind smile.

"Why do you want to work here in my bakery?" Kerry asked, genuinely interested in Melody's response.

Melody's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Baking has always been a passion of mine. I love the artistry and the joy it brings to people's lives. Being able to work in a bakery like yours, surrounded by delicious treats, would be a dream come true."

Kerry nodded, clearly impressed by Melody's genuine passion. "Have you had any previous work experience?"

Melody's smile faltered slightly. "No, this would be my first job. But I am a fast learner, and I promise to work hard and contribute to the success of the bakery."

Kerry chuckled softly. "Sometimes, a fresh perspective can bring new life to a place. I like your enthusiasm, Melody. I'm willing to give you a chance. Welcome to the team! You can start tomorrow."

Melody's heart leaped with joy as she thanked Kerry, unable to contain her excitement. She couldn't wait to start her first shift and immerse herself in the world of pastries.

On her first day, Melody arrived at the bakery, ready to prove herself as a valuable team member. She donned the apron provided to her and joined the bustling staff behind the counter. The tantalizing smell of freshly baked bread and sweet treats enveloped her, making her feel right at home.

As the day progressed, Melody found herself busily serving customers, their faces lighting up with delight as they sampled the bakery's offerings. She carefully packed boxes of pastries, expertly arranging each delicate treat, and handed them over with a warm smile. Melody's passion for baking and her genuine love for the products she was selling shone through, earning her compliments from satisfied customers.

As closing time approached, Melody couldn't help but notice the large quantity of delicious pastries left over. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she saw tray after tray filled with mouthwatering treats. She turned to Kerry, who was watching her with a knowing grin.

“Take as much as you like dear”, Kerry offered.

Melody was overjoyed. “Are you sure?”

“Certain.”, Kerry reassured her. "We never compromise on freshness, so we bake a bit extra. And I hate seeing anything go to waste. You can take as much as you like. Just be careful; you might end up as big as me!" Kerry jested, giving her belly an affectionate pat.

Melody's eyes widened at Kerry's words, a mixture of surprise and excitement filling her. The thought of indulging in these delectable treats thrilled her to the core.

Unable to resist, Melody grabbed a large bag and began filling it with an assortment of pastries. She carefully selected her favorites, making sure not to leave any behind. Her bag soon grew heavy with the weight of her chosen treasures.

Once home, Melody eagerly unloaded her bag onto the kitchen counter. Without a moment's hesitation, she began stuffing her face with the delicious pastries. One by one, she devoured the pastries, savoring each sweet morsel that graced her palate. The flaky layers of the croissants melted into a buttery symphony, while the creamy fillings oozed with decadence, and the sugary glazes added an enchanting touch of sweetness. With every bite, she lost herself in the exquisite pleasure of eating, the world beyond her kitchen fading into insignificance as she became wholly immersed in the art of indulgence.

Time slipped away, hours merging into one another as Melody's appetite showed no sign of waning. She plowed through the bag of pastries with an astonishing voracity. As she reached the final crumbs, her stomach had swelled with contentment, a testament to her delightful journey of gluttony. With a satisfying belch, she leaned back, her hand tenderly caressing her round, bloated belly. She could hardly believe she had eaten the whole bag, but did not regret it one bit.

Melody's second shift at Kerry's Bakery was even busier than the first. The delightful scent of freshly baked goods filled the air as customers lined up, eager to taste the array of pastries and treats on display. Melody found herself swiftly moving behind the counter, expertly assisting the customers and carefully packaging their chosen delights.

During her short break, Melody sat at a small table in the back, enjoying her packed lunch. Just as she was about to take a bite, Kerry entered the break area, holding a tray of palmiers. Kerry smiled at Melody, her eyes shining with appreciation for her hard work.

"I’m trying a new recipe for palmiers, but they didn't come out quite right," Kerry said, placing the tray on the table. "I hate to see them go to waste, would you like to take any?"

Melody's eyes sparkled with delight as she accepted the offer. "I'd love some. Thank you, Kerry!."

“Have as many as you like dear” Kerry generously offered, as she retreated back to the front counter.

As Kerry left the break area, Melody couldn't resist the temptation. She picked up a palmier, marveling at its delicate, flaky layers. With each bite, she was transported to a realm of pure bliss. The pastry melted in her mouth, releasing a symphony of flavors. The caramelized sugar coating provided a delightful crunch, while the buttery richness enveloped her taste buds. It was as if she had discovered a hidden treasure, a secret delight meant only for her.

Unable to contain her excitement, Melody reached for another palmier. The combination of the flaky pastry and the sweet, buttery goodness was irresistible. She continued indulging, one after another, as if under a spell woven by the pastries themselves. The tray gradually emptied as Melody surrendered to her cravings, losing herself in a world of taste and texture.

Just as Melody was about to take another bite, Kerry returned to the break area. Her eyes widened in surprise as she witnessed the nearly empty tray. She couldn't help but tease Melody with a playful smile, "My, my, you must have been hungry!"

Caught off guard, Melody blushed slightly but managed to stifle a giggle. She nodded sheepishly and went to reply.

“They we- UUUUURP…”

A sudden burp escaped her lips, surprising both of them. Melody's eyes widened in embarrassment as she quickly excused herself.

"Excuse me!" Melody said, cheeks flushed. "I meant to say they were absolutely delicious! I think a hint of cinnamon would add a lot to these!"

Kerry's surprise transformed into amusement as she chuckled. "You know what, Melody? I think you might be onto something. I'll have to try that recipe out sometime and see how it turns out. Thank you for your input!"

Melody was ecstatic that Kerry agreed with her suggestion. She rewarded herself with another pastry before returning to work.

Melody returned to her post behind the counter, her taste buds still tingling with the deliciousness of the palmiers.

As the hours passed and her shift gradually drew to a close, Melody couldn't resist the allure of the bakery's irresistible pastries. With each customer she served, she found herself eyeing the delectable treats, her anticipation growing with each transaction.

Finally, with her apron neatly hung and her duties for the day fulfilled, Melody yielded to temptation once more. She filled a bag with an assortment of treats, until it was too heavy to carry with just one arm, and eagerly headed home, excited to indulge herself once again.


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