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It had been 6 months after St. Mary’s had made their curriculum changes, and the students were entirely unrecognizable. At this point, the girl’s lifestyles completely revolved around food and eating. They would spend hours in the cafeteria, stuffing themselves with unhealthy, calorie-rich meals and snacks. The portions were now so large that the girls would struggle to finish them, but would never fail, unable to resist the temptation of all the delicious food.

At this point, their weight gains were now well into the triple digits, with some of the girls tipping the scales at well over 300 pounds. They had all given into their new size, embracing their larger bodies and reveling in their newfound love of food. Their once loose-fitting clothes now clung tightly to them, straining at the seams, and buttons would frequently pop open as they ate.

Teachers were also struggling to keep up with the girls' newfound size. They would often have to help the girls out of their seats, as they had grown too large for the small desks used by the school.

Wardrobe malfunctions were an everyday occurrence for the girls, with girls spilling out of their tops and dresses, struggling to cover themselves up. What was new, was the girls new figures threatening the furniture of the school itself.

One Tuesday, Sophie waddled to her desk in cooking class, her enormous thighs rubbing together as she walked, and plopped down onto the seat with a heavy thud. By this point, she was the heaviest girl in the school, though not by much, with plenty of other girls trailing close behind.

As she reached for her supplies, she heard a creaking sound and looked down in alarm. The desk legs were bending under the weight of her massive body. She tried to stand up, but the desk collapsed with a loud crash, and Sophie found herself on the ground. Her ample backside had caused the entire desk to shatter, leaving her sprawled out on the floor.

Sophie's face burned with embarrassment as she struggled to stand up, her chubby legs wobbling as she did. Sophie sat on the ground, looking up at the broken pieces of the desk scattered around her. As she sat there, she couldn't help but be made keenly aware of just how much her body had changed over the past few months.

She looked down at her arms, which were now thick and soft, with rolls of fat visible when they were at her sides. Her belly was round and protruding, stretching the fabric of her shirt to its limits. She could feel the fat on her thighs pressing against the fabric of her pants, and her hips had widened to the point that sitting in a normal-sized desk was a challenge. She was enormous.

Conversations between the girls now revolved around their weight and food, and they would frequently discuss their latest wardrobe malfunctions, most recent incidents of broken furniture, and the latest cafeteria offerings.

One day, as the girls sat at a long table in the cafeteria, they couldn't help but admire how far they had come since the changes to the school's programs.

"I never thought I would ever wear a size 22," said Sophie, the once-skinny student who had now gained well over 100 pounds, patting her gut.

"Me neither," added Lily, who had also put on nearly as much. "But now I can't imagine going back to my old size. I love food much better than being thin."

The girls all nodded in agreement, unable to imagine going back to their former, smaller selves.

Just then, a group of teachers walked into the cafeteria, looking flustered. They made their way over to the girls and gathered around their table.

"Girls, we need to talk to you about something serious," said Mrs. Johnson, the head teacher. "The school has received several complaints from parents about your weight gain and the unhealthy eating habits that you've adopted."

The girls looked at each other, feeling a mix of guilt and defiance.

"We understand that you've grown to love your new lifestyle, but we can't ignore the fact that it's not good for your health," Mrs. Johnson continued. "So, we've decided to bring back the exercise classes and try to help you get back into shape."

The girls groaned in protest. They had grown used to their new, sedentary lifestyle and didn't want to change it.

"But, Mrs. Johnson, we don't want to go back to exercising," said Sarah. "We're happy with our new sizes and the food here is amazing. We don't want to give it up."

The other girls nodded in agreement, and Mrs. Johnson sighed, knowing that this wasn't going to be an easy task.

"I understand how you feel, girls, but your health is our top priority," she said firmly. "We will be starting the exercise classes next week, and we expect all of you to participate."

The girls grumbled and complained, but eventually, they reluctantly agreed to participate in the exercise classes.

However, very soon, Lily, Sophie, and the other girls found it too difficult to even perform the most basic exercises. Their bodies were so heavy and out of shape that even the simplest movements left them gasping for air. They struggled to complete basic stretches, and their attempts at jogging or even walking at a brisk pace were short-lived and often ended in wheezing and exhaustion.

One particularly embarrassing incident occurred when the girls were asked to do push-ups. One by one, they attempted the exercise, but none of them could even manage one complete rep. Their bellies and thighs were too large, and their arms were too weak to support their weight. They flopped onto the ground, panting and sweating, feeling humiliated and defeated.

Eventually, the girls simply stopped showing up to the classes altogether. They stopped pretending to make an effort, and instead, they began bringing food with them to the gym. Bags of chips, candy bars, and sugary drinks became regular fixtures in the room, and the girls would sit there munching away, too heavy and lethargic to do anything else.

Ms. Johnson, who had become quite obese herself, had initially been enthusiastic about the exercise classes, hoping to set an example for her students. However, as she struggled to perform even the simplest exercises, she became increasingly discouraged. Soon enough, she too had given up, and joined her students in snacking during class.

As the girls continued to give up on exercise, they grew larger and larger. Their clothing became stretched and strained, and even getting up from a chair or walking down the hallway became a laborious task. They were resigned to their fate as morbidly obese young women, content to indulge in their love of food and avoid anything that required too much physical exertion.

In the end, despite the school's efforts to bring back exercise classes, the girls were too addicted to their new lifestyle. They preferred to continue eating and gaining weight, instead of trying to lose it. Some of the teachers and staff tried to motivate the students, but they were too far gone. The girls continued to eat, and grow fatter.



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