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As the girls continued to indulge in the delicious, unhealthy food offered in the cafeteria, their weight gains accelerated. They would spend hours in the cafeteria during extended lunch breaks, stuffing their faces, discussing their weight gains, and comparing their now much larger bodies. Some girls didn’t mind their new size, while others were starting to become self-conscious and unhappy with their growing size.

As the girls gained more weight, they noticed clothes became tighter and tighter. Wardrobe malfunctions became a common occurrence. Buttons popped off shirts, zippers strained, and skirts became too short to cover their larger hips.

Lily stood in front of her closet, sweat already forming on her forehead, as she tried to squeeze into her favorite pair of jeans.She had just spent the last five minutes struggling to pull up her jeans, but the button and zipper just wouldn't close. She tugged and wiggled, trying to get the waistband to budge, but it was no use. She sighed, defeated, and called out to her friend Sarah in the next room.

"Hey, Sarah! Can you come in here for a second?" she called, her voice shaky with embarrassment.

Sarah entered the room, her eyes widening as she saw Lily struggling with her pants. "Oh my god, Lily," she exclaimed, "Those jeans used to fit you perfectly."

Lily felt a pang of hurt at Sarah's comment but tried to hide it as she asked for her friend's help. "Can you help me button these?"

"Okay, let's give it a try," she said, reaching around her friend's wide figure. They both pulled with all their might, but the button still wouldn't meet the hole.

"Maybe you need to suck in a bit more?" Sarah suggested, as they tried again.

Sarah pulled up on the jeans as Lily sucked in her stomach, but the button still wouldn't close. They tried again and again, with Sarah making snarky comments about Lily's size, and Lily snapping back.

"Whatever, Sarah! You've gained just as much weight as I have," Lily said, her voice shaky.

They tried one last time, pulling as hard as they could, but the force caused them to lose balance and fall to the ground. Lily fell on top of Sarah, crushing her under her increased weight. The commotion had caused Sarah’s own pants button to burst. They both lay there, gasping for air, before Lily rolled off of her friend and they struggled to get up.

After a moment, they managed to get back up, waddling and panting as they headed out the door and to their next class, their tight pants still unbuttoned. It was clear that they needed to do something about their weight before it was too late.

After their cooking class, Ms. Johnson, a teacher at St. Mary’s approached the girls "Good morning, girls," she said, her voice strained from trying to catch her breath. "It's getting harder and harder to walk between classes, isn't it?" The girls nodded, and Sarah added, "It's not just walking, my clothes are so tight that I'm afraid they're going to burst open any second." The girls could see Ms. Johnson had a similar problem, with the buttons on her top threatening to blow right then and there.

Despite the concerns of a few teachers, the college was content to let their new lifestyle continue. They believed that the cooking and eating classes were a valuable addition to their curriculum, or so they said.

In the cafeteria, the scene was chaotic. Students loaded their plates with mountains of food. The once-empty tables were now overflowing with students, who struggled to fit into their seats. The sound of buttons popping and seams splitting echoed through the room as the girls eagerly devoured plate after plate of the unhealthy food.

Lunchtime conversations often revolved around the girls favorite foods and how they were getting harder and harder to resist.

"I just can't say no to those hot fudge sundaes," said Amanda, patting her rounded belly. Emily added, "And those double-stuffed Oreos are just too good to pass up." They all nodded in agreement, and their faces lit up with excitement at the thought of their next meal.

"I just can't stop eating," Lily noted, who had gained over 50 pounds by this point. The conversation was interrupted, however, by a loud burp, followed by a loud pop, as Sophie, a chubby blonde who had gained the most in the group, sat back in her chair, and let out a heavy breath.

After lunch, the girls went to their cooking class, where they learned a recipe for Peanut Butter pudding, and of course, got to enjoy their creations once they were done.

At dinner that night, the girls ate so much that they couldn't move. They lay in their beds, groaning in discomfort, yet still craving more food. The addiction to unhealthy food had taken over their lives, and they were unable to resist it.



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