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Yang Bohai

Were you perhaps around the time when the Demon Queen decided to declare war on the Yang clan, and if you were, did you have the opportunity to fight her? I'm well aware of her prowess.

Yang Bohai snorts, his already wicked expression twisting into a wrathful grimace. You seem to have hit a sore spot, discovered a wound that have not yet scabbed.

“Brat, if talk of this matter again in my presence, I will rip out your tongue and force you to eat it,” he says and, your gut warns you, is being utterly serious. He then turns away, not meeting your gaze in a uncharacteristic display of what appears to be… embarrassment?

“That bitch got lucky, that’s all…”


Esteemed elder, who would you consider your strongest disciple?

Yang Bohai nods, pleased with your respectful attitude.

“I’ve had many disciples over the years. Most, useless trash, died in Houtian. Some, those who are somewhat capable, achieved Xiantian. But none came close to my first personal disciple, the current Matriarch of my Yang Clan.”


Tang Ruo

I don't care who rules the Empire, but the day I reach my full potential, I will serve no one. When that day comes, will you challenge me for Wu Clan's independence?

“Your full potential?” Tang Ruo gives you half-amused, half-condensing look, “How high do you think that potential is, for you to entertain such a ridiculous notion?”

“Wu Clan’s independence?” Tang Ruo laughs, “The only reason your clan has not turned to ashes is because Grandfather forbids the hungry vultures around you from feasting on its almost rotten corpse.”

Independence,” he chuckles again, “And they say I’m arrogant.”


Ma Rin

Since you're a Xiantian, could you perhaps enlighten me on how exactly someone reaches the Second Rebirth?

“Why are you asking me these common knowledge questions? Go read a book or something, you lazy bum,” she says, laying down on a large, soft couch with a goblet of wine in her hand, “If you must know, I can tell you the most important requirement.”

“The biggest bottleneck Martial Artist face when struggling for their second rebirth, is forming their own Aura. A way to project the power of their blood outside of their bodies.”


Could you tell me about the weirdest artifact you have in your collection?

“Weirdest?” Ma Rin ponders for a moment, deep in thought, “Oh! It has to be that thing.”

From her spatial ring, she takes out a… rock. An ordinary, gray rock.

“See, I had the same expression when a friend of mine came to me with this stone. It looks nothing special, a completely average and plain thingy. Imagine my suprise, when she mentioned that not even Shangtians could see through it. It doesn’t emit any Inner Energy, and yet, seven times in the last thirty years, it has glowed with bright crimson light.”

You, however, don’t listen to a word she says – for there is something in that stone, something that attracts you greatly…


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