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Mei Mei

Have you ever thought about being Empress? I believe you have good qualities for it.

“Me? Empress?” she says, pointing at her chest with her finger, “Junior Brother, have I annoyed you so much you decided to marry me off to Prince Ruo?”

Mei Mei raises her arms in mock fear and shakes her head quickly.

“Junior Brother, please forgive me! I mean no offense, but from I know of the Celestial Heir, that man is boredom incarnate! He does nothing but sleep, eat and train – sometimes even skipping the first two steps. I'll go mad in such a marriage.”


Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trust?

“What brought such a heavy question on, Junior Brother?” Mei Mei chuckles, a light smile on her lips, “But to answer you… Everyone experienced some sort of betrayal. Everyone suffered through a broken trust. And some, like me, have just been disappointed in people more than the others.”


How can you stand waking up every single day knowing your smile outshines the sun?

Mei Mei rolls her eyes at your cheesy line – she pretends to, at least, as the slight blush that creeps up on her cheeks gives away her real feelings.

“Hmph! You say that to every girl, don’t you?” she crosses her arms and gives you an accusatory look, “You will need to repay this offense or I won’t forgive you!”

She then puts one of her arms behind her head and looks a bit to the side, perhaps in slight embarrassment for the shamelessness of her next words.

“You know, I recently saw this very cute Sun Drowned Flower for sale in the alchemy pavilion…”


“Have you heard of the recent deaths occurring in the forest? I-It's horrible you know, if it was a person that did this, these people had families: brothers; sisters; parents...” Wu Chen sighs, “Maybe many just wanted a break from the sects harsh demands and appreciate the beauty of some flowers.”

He then laughs, mirthlessly, and looks straight into Mei Mei’s eyes.

“How fucked would someone have to be in the head in order to murder innocents in cold blood while completely and utterly defenseless? I, Wu Shen, promise this: their deaths won't surely be in vain, knowing that the evil that has tragically cut their lives short will suffer a thousand-fold before it's allowed such a merciful way out!

As you continue to speak, Mei Mei grows more and more shocked. Her eyes grow wider and wider and, by the end of your speech, she takes a step back in horror, her hand placed at her chest.

“Some vile creature has been murdering disciples in the forest?!” she exclaims, her expression beginning to take on the hints of the righteous fury similar to yours, “It’s certainly needs to be brought to justice!”

However, her anger soon is replaced by a complicated, complex emotion – a mixture of guilt, regret and sadness?

“You know, I’ve noticed the reports about the rate of disciples disappearing inside the forest rising. I ju-” Mei Mei swallows, “But I never thought… I never thought it was something so serious – just usual dangers of the forest. If only I were more thorough, perhaps some deaths could’ve been prevented…”


Do you think it's bad that I am attracted to what some would call 'evil' women? I like dangerous, poisonous things. No regrets.

Mei Mei smirks, her smile a toothy grin.

“As you may know, have a passion for plants and nature. So, I understand you struggle quite well: the curse of the pretty flower is such that the poor thing always has to grow out poisonous thorns to protect itself from greedy outsiders.”


My dearest Mei, I want to ask you if you trust me. Because I believe that I already have gone beyond just trusting you.

“Have you now?” Mei Mei tilts her head back, studying you with a curious look, before her expression brightens, “Of course I do! We’re friends then, aren’t we?”


Tau Katungi

The lies she tells are so smooth and sweet