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We're on the verge of achieving the next goal, and the next goal says I should start one of my own games.
It was hard to decide which one, but after tons of considerations, I've decided to go with one of my ideas I named "The Labyrinth story"

It's a dating sim/JRPG combo, the gist of it is: As our hero, you're lost in a labyrinth and can't find your way out.

You decide  to explore the labyrinth and find a way out. Soon you'll find out that you're not alone and there are a number of other characters lost in there, alongside an endless supply of wandering monsters.
As the bravest of the bunch, you decide to help people you've found settle somewhere safe, provide them with food, shower them with gifts and gain their affection. It's the old story of the hero and the damsel in distress. In this case: damsels.

Art style
For the pixel art, it will be the 32x32 of the old super nintendo JRPG games with big heads and chibi anime style, the labyrinth itself will be simple stone and cave combo.

For the bigger character images, I like stylized and exaggerated, but I’m not looking for a specific art style and am willing to adapt the style of my artist.

The gameplay is inspired by the old sega game `Fatal labyrinth` with my own improvements on top. The same turn based movement and fight combo, with improved inventory, drops, stats and level-up on top.

Renpy gives us powerful tools for the dialogue parts, but I’ll have to create the RPG character controls and tilemap system from scratch, however, I already have tons of existing code and experience on this engine to work with.
Godot: Godot has powerful character and tilemap tools, but its interface tools are a nightmare and creating a good dialogue system will be a pain.
Unity: It has good 2d tools and a great interface design toolset is being developed for it, but  I’ll have to learn a whole new language / engine and wait for the new interface tools to come along.

Since the choice of engine will effect the type of content I post here, I like to ask you which engine do you like better. I won't promise to go with the winner of this pool, but it will effect my decision heavily.


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