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2022-03-02 18-34-40.mkv


RNG Master

To answer johnnys question based on info they already told us: Yes the grail chooses those that are worthy of its power. The reason they cannot fail the summoning is because they have already been chosen by the grail (you know theyre chosen when the command spells appear on their hand). If you recall, All the masters got their command spells before they summoned their servant and not the other way around. Masters cannot summon a servant until the command seal appears on their hand because the amount of mana required to summon a heroic spirit is too great for any mage to handle so they have to rely on the mana supplied by the holy grail (which is channeled through the command spells to summon them). In summary, command spells must exist first on the master which marks them as the chosen ones before they are Able to summon a servant which means not just any mage can summon a servant

RNG Master

Short lore on Joan of Arc which is cool to know for context on why caster is crazy: Jeanne d' arc or Joanne of arc was a virgin Saint and female warrior from France that was said to be annointed with the power of God and capable of performing miracles on the battle field (sort of like a godess of victory in war) However, it's said that God abandoned her because she ended up being labeled as a witch and burned alive at the stake by the church inquisition because they had grown jealous of her rise and saw her as a threat to their positions of power. So you could look at it as if she was betrayed by God. Thats who caster (gilles de reis) who was a french knight that lived in the same time period as her thinks saber is.