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2021-09-17 17-48-48.mkv



Guys is it possible for yous to watch Black Clover episodes 113 till 119 by next week ?


The explanation for the two Dorothys is that they created a cotton mirage of her. Since elf Dorothy saw the figure, she thought of the real one, and since she "thought" about it, she summoned the real Dorothy.


At the end, real Dorothy says something to elf Dorothy about thinking that not all humans are bad, so they were communicating with each other. I think Dorothys power is limited by concentration and elf Dorothy was struggling a bit managing everything when the group joined - internal conversations, watching the group, managing Dreamworld, listening to external noises from real world and managing emotions as it just experienced being killed.

Phonic Reassignment

but real dorthy doesnt share that problem as we may or may not see later real dorthy is for sure stronger in dream world than this elf, which makes since this elf didnt have dream world. btw way that frame y'all where saying belongs in a gallery was one panel from the manga colored. people didnt like that the anime art was no where near the art in the manga for black clover


my guy their patreon is 1$/month for full reactions (and tbh they are one of the best reactors out there). This the best deal you'll ever get, barely can buy a pack of gum with that amount. Absolutely 0 reasons to stop supporting those guys


Please do not forget to watch after credits scenes for episode 116 and 120 they are important🙌🙌🙌


Don’t worry you guys are definitely getting more plot development soon lmao