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2020-08-21 19-22-15.mkv



Yo two avatar episodes in one day? We’ve been blessed

Brian R

The scene where the dragon try's to protect Roku is such a cool thing because it really shows how close avatars and there animal guides really are


Why can’t I watch this? Download isn’t working either


Your internet is just some dooki, you gotta reset it lmao


insane episode


zuko's impact imo hit a lot harder because they waited for this story to be told longer than expected. made you feel zuko's pain and conflict before making you realize why.


so yall said you were on 12 or some shit when you rewatched episode 3. Can yall WAIT for us. The final 4 is some special shit.


Does they upload boruto today?


I love how they paved the way to make sure people were content with Iroh's new voice by making his first line one of the biggest reveals of the show, that's a pretty good distraction! Really though, Greg Baldwin did a great job carrying the torch as Iroh. Even though you can tell he has a different quality to his voice, I think he honors Mako Iwamatsu's legacy well.