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2020-08-19 23-49-13.mp4



Definitely get where you Johnny is coming from about the drama. Personally I liked it or at least I didn’t not like it. I just liked this episode because we see these fucked up kids trying to be normal. I can definitely see how someone could not like it though. Lol hopefully you guys don’t hate Zuko now.


So are y’all posting these every other day ?


Tbf I think most people would agree with you guys that this episode was a bit weird and out of place. But others will love it and use this episode as a vocal point to Azulas psychology and how her brain works which is interesting as you guys said how she interacted with people socially is a bit funny and sad. Another great scene is when the guy with the third eye attacks the gang, that whole scene is so fucking badass with how there’s no music or anything in the beginning, just the explosions and movement of everyone


sparky sparky boom man is op


It was a good choice on the writers to mix the beach story with the 'explosive' intro of the third-eye-guy. The breakfast club scene did help us get to know the Azula gang more, but I loved most that it helped show that Azula wasn't a "Mary-Sue" villain who is perfect in every way. Her high experience points in fighting and being a leader, being trained all her life as a weapon, came at the expense of no social life. If we imagine a possible scenario where the Fire Nation does defeat the Gaang and rule the world successfully, could she transition to a life of "happily ever after?"