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2020-07-27 17-28-50.mp4


Tyrese Marshall

This whole power shit has me thinking I wanna c the watch JoJo


Great reaction

Daniel Gonzalez

So this one actually has stuff happening in it because i started watching tower of god and i stopped like at episode 9 see this is why we cant have hype things people dont know how to act with them


I wasn't a fan of this episode until the end. Cliche and typical story set up for her. Feels more like a soap opera than an anime. The only thing that brought it back for me was the ending cause you know her ass was gonna get whooped either way and it gave a reason for her getting slaughtered up in the stage instead of them magically having an equal fight just to draw the series out more. Worst episode yet in terms of my taste but I guess people will like it if they enjoy this kind of drama romance typical backstory poopoo. I feel like I seen the "wedding crashers" type of scene one too many times in typical movies and TV.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

I’m not into romance like that especially drama romance but I still like the episode but it was the weakest so far not in bad way tho.


I think this episode was pretty terrible, they rushed it way too much, if this was two or three episodes, it would've been at least 5 times better. Especially the bit at the end with Han, like, it just gives you no time to understand Han's minset, this character literally meant nothing to me, he was on the screen for five seconds, dog shit writing in my opinion.


Well I think its less about us caring about that character as an individual, and more about how his death is affecting Han himself. Indirectly by Hans response to it all we can tell how much that character meant to him. Its not difficult to feel for a character in a situation like that, and especially when his actions are speaking loudly for how its affected him. His actions afterwards were clearly the center of focus though as it affects their whole trio friendship they had going on up until this episode. Also personally this episode feels no more rushed than the last 3 episodes to me. I feel like overall the pacing might of been a bit faster, but the pacing of the show has been consistent and thats what I value more than anything when it comes to pacing. As long as its consistent and not switching from fast to slow constantly im fine with it