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2020-07-26 17-47-57.mp4



Y’all are a lil confused so I’ll help victor (the short guy) is in the manga since y’all don’t know his character I won’t spoil same goes with mugino the new guy on the team for this mission he is also in the manga but he looks a lil different so y’all may not recognize him as of now there is only 1 anime original kara member and that was the person you saw at the beginning of the episode


Also the Kara arc is it’s own anime thing but don’t be discouraged because it his heavily integrated with the ao arc of the manga so it’s sorta like setting up the ao arc while giving some dope content ( I can’t remember if the leaks said the ao arc was apart of the Kara arc or not but if it isn’t the ao arc will soon follow) this arc is cannon to the story tho