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2020-07-22 21-17-12.mp4



I think the 3rd (oops) season is the best but to be honest every season is a banger in this show 🔥


lol bro the gay boys is just trolling around, just call us cruzaders


Even Zuko and Zhao together were just like little childs throwing lego around in comparison to Azula XD.


The top-knot is a sign of honor in the Fire Nation. After becoming fugitives of the Fire Nation, Zuko and Iroh cut off their top-knots and threw them into a creek to symbolize their rejection of their homeland and the beginning of their true exile.

Doug Wills

Just to answer your question about how much filler is in season 2: Maaaaaybe you could say there is a couple episodes of "filler" early. But once you hit episode 6 it's just straight 10's the rest of the season. And nothing even close to filler.


Why is it in black and white?