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2019-10-19 18-57-40.mp4



The only time Sir Nighteye was shown prior to season 4 was in the after credits of season 3's last episode. David Shield was all Mights sidekick when he was in the US, Nighteye was his sidekick after he returned to Japan.


LMAO someone tell me why overhaul sounds so bad in the dub, they literally chose the worst voice actor for the dub


what @Scerician said is right. Also the movies of MHA are canon and it could be possible that the journalist character could be canon as well because Horikoshi is really close and puts trust into the studio that makes the anime. He could decide himself to say it is canon for anything that is in the anime. Horikoshi is the author by the way.


"i cant tell whos talking" cuz u watch dub with their generic af voices


There was a scene like you described (back in season 2 I believe) but it was dark and shadowy and the person showcased working for All For One was not fully shown. Not saying you’re right or wrong if that scene references Sir Night Eye, but good recall.

Isaias Medina

Yoo i didnt know the dub was coming out the same time as the sub, They doing that now ? I thought dub always came out months later because they gotta translate it and shit.


The sub voice of overhaul makes him way more charismatic


overhauls sub voice is so much cooler and his soundtrack is badass af


idk what ya talking about lmao,Overhauls voice was cool af, he sounded mad unsettling compared to the sub, the sub just sounded like generic japanese bad guy. Literally Shigaraki and this Overhaul in the sub sounded like two different people reading their part of the script in the same exact style. I guess in the dub shigaraki and overhaul have a similar style to their voice too, but in dub it sounds more like a Joker villain persona which is way more interesting to listen to


Sub voice is better imo, makes him sound smart and cunning, rather than a brute.


idk understand why people care so much about dub. Like let them watch shows in a language they understand lmao