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2019-10-19 19-33-31.mp4


Zavier Mendoza

am only one who couldn't figure out what Chris's shirt says


Welp I'm ready for asspull comments next episode cause apparently everything tht happens in this anime is a ass pull even if theirs a explanation


You guys next time record Seven Deadly Sins do both episode 21 and 22 because they go together and let's just say its HOT! 😉☀️


And about the powers like Ban that stuff happens in almost every anime where they dont tell you how they got and so on like Demon Slayer, they don't tell us how Tanjiro has all those techniques and how he unlocked them


Tanjiro has a bunch of moves he learned from the guy who trained him. Its never directly stated, but he starts using these techniques after his training which implies hes learned them from him. This power with ban is not the same thing. Tanjiros abilities and what hes capable of are consistent


Like dont get me wrong if something is a ass pull I'll say it's a ass pull but talking about naruto telling a story better naruto has the most plotholes in all of anime every story has its cracks


Is there any Demon Slayer upload today? Because next episode is hot.


oh yeah idk if yall noticed it looked like he stopped time, but he didn't stop time the move was called Zero Sign once translated but is also literally meaning "Suppressed Presence", depending on translation. A technique that somehow makes Ban invisible and undetectable.


Keyword: possibly, and you got this from the wiki. It's an asspull.


Well you're talking about a series that spans over 600 episodes, most anime that go that far have plot holes naturally. When I was 2 seasons into the original Naruto as a kid I didn't have any trouble at all keeping up with the story, this shows pacing and random details that get thrown in our face unexpectedly is out of control. Were hit with so many details without any answers so consistently that it feels like the writers can just throw anything at us and attempt to explain it later. Not a fan of that.


I'm just here watching everyone upset. The season is almost over guys just let them finish. No more trying to fix on what they missed or any misunderstanding. I know we want to but just for a couple more episodes it's all most over. No more fighting please. Because this is not debating this is flat out arguing. When they finish season 3 I recommend that they take a brake and let season 4 finish in full then finish it. In the meantime let's start another anime. Yes I love seven deadly sins but I understand that they may feel differently about it. They like it to but more the fight stuff. I like it to but I like other stuff more. Cruz brothers please message me back I'll sponsor an anime to stop ya'll from doing season 4 until it's finished. Let's just start a new with a new anime. Let's finish season 3 and start a new adventure. Please


Naruto is basically the king of plotholes blatant statements tht were contridicted throughout the series. Plotholes are undeniably bad writing but hey because u cant predict plot twist tht give no hints 7ds has bad writing I guess.(little details)


damn all these upset comments but im still dyin at the intro "Dont touch me bitch" lmaoooo


Bro, relax lol, its just an opinion. The plot holes in Naruto were never noticeable to me when watching the show because like I said, its a long show. Shit like Ban getting a new power out of no where to save his friend, and me as a viewer being expected to get an explanation after this detail comes out of no where in a show that has been consistently throwing details out of no where at me is annoying. That mixed with the fast pacing of the show are two terrible mixes to me personally. (Also reply to this comment instead of making a whole new comment lol)


Ban's power is the ability to suppress his presence, and yeah it's definitely an ass-pull lmao


Yh ion how to reply too it bro but trust me bro I'm not mad maybe more irritated but tht is ur opinion I just disagree but I do agree they could of gave us a time frame of how much time passed


Still love the reactions yall got a funny ass dynamic going


All the rubble was there because there was an explosion (Gloxinias spirit spear and Monspeets fire attack). And yeah, you just can't take this show too seriously. It obviously doesn't come close to things like Naruto or One-piece in story telling or consistency but just enjoy it for the dbz-esque hype moments that characters like meliodas and escanor bring to the show.


Bro I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds it fucking hilarious when he gets mad at that 😂 Ive commented on that before in a couple videos hoping Chris would see it and do it more lmfao

Chika Ejindu

Wouldn't exactly say Ban's ability was an asspull, we just haven't seen it before. A lot of characters in this show have moves we've not yet seen. Although I do agree it was convenient to use at the time.


bruh i told you i only voted bc the fights are hot but the show sucks,i told y'all smh


There was plenty of close call moments with Ban in both season 1 and 2 so far where he could of used this ability and saved his friends but chose not to. Definitely seems like an asspull


Can’t wait for the next 2 eps holy shit


I guess I just look at ass pulls differently so if ban did it in season 1 then it wouldnt be an ass pull?


Ban didn't have to use Zero Sign before and its a ability that basically makes him invisible.


And in 14:50 the tell you the time skip but its not in English. I'm pretty sure it says 1 month if you wanted to know.


It's all just plot, a character will do something new if the plot needs it and it can come off as a ass pull or just the character being a dick beforehand. Prime example season 1 Hendi, ban could have solo him pretty easily looking at his fight with galand, the fact meli is op to have infinite dark energy to beat ban but can't form that same power to beat Hendi, unless you want to say hendi> galand


Everyone who actually died at the end of last season stayed dead.


I agree with you guys on a lot of things. Although this is one of my favorite series, the writing is pretty awful, and lots of things really are just “ass pulls”. There are also lots of things that could have been explained better, but I’d say this is more due to the manga, which also has an awful pacing. Personally I think the animation studio did a decent job at fixing the pacing, and mainly keeping in the important things. For details such as that time skip, they removed the mention of it, because it made no sense, given that it wouldn’t take the 10 commandments a whole month just to get to capture Britannia, and also due to the fact that the kids would be dead if it took Elizabeth a whole month to heal them. The future episodes will likely be just as bad, but everything’s enjoyable if you’re able to just look past it. As for the hard core fans who can’t take any criticism, they need to chill and look at things more realistically lol.


When you guys lookin to drop 21?