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2019-08-25 00-43-41.mp4


Brian R

We need ep 21! It’s soo fire


Love the reactions but pulled out their ass cmon guys like seven deadly sins is one of those animes tht actually makes sense and where things come together well still love the reactions


Lmao the 4 episodes of "season 2" is filler but at the same time it isn't, like the last 5 minutes of every episode is super important

Isaias Medina

Last sin isnt revealed until later.


Can't wait to see their reaction of how powerful seven deadly sins is in season 2 because they make Gilthunder look like a child in comparison.


true season 2 blows season 1 out of the water

John Belangerj

i agree a lot of things they say didnt make sense i caught on my first watch so it ick me a little when other don't


I told u all it gets better just give it a minute lol. But anyways, I am glad you guys got your new studio room going and almost done.


Although I don't agree with your comments about the story and it coming out of nowhere. People with a high enough IQ can correlate everything together within the series to where it actually makes sense. It isn't anything new for a series or story to drop silent hints along the way to build up a big story and in turn it can make the story better. Exactly what happened with this episode. I can't expect you two to understand everything and see it the way others and myself do. But hey, I still like the reactions even though you can't understand :/


definitely watch the 4 fillers, there is important scenes that you cant miss or you will be confused season 2 plus the fights.


You guys should for sure watch the 4 episodes won’t hurt to watch.


The thing too is if u watch a lot of anime u would know tht u dont really get back story on certain characters until their death so when there actually dying u can resonate with them as they die with a feeling as If u know them


Idk what animes you watch, but thats not the case at all for a lot of anime and just normal shows we've watched. In fact all the biggest animes like Naruto build up back story for characters in entire story arcs.Just think back to the earliest episodes of something like Naruto. They had an entire season of build up for the back stories of Zabuza & Haku before they died at the end of the season. Same with something like Death Note. You gotta have build up and character development for me to care at all about a character dying. The fact that it seemed like they were making a big deal about Helbrems death when we had no prior character build up for him made it all the more underwhelming. I could not relate to how King was feeling cause there wasn't enough there for me to care about that character.


season 2 is waaaay better u need to catch up fast ... season 3 is coming in fall


I honestly think it's better that the hints were subtle enough where the audience isn't supposed to pick up on it... it certainly made for a better reaction from you two when it was revealed. They weren't so much being controlled as much as they were being watched. The salamander Meliodas destroyed, and the crow Gilthunder controlled... the crow watching Gilthunder's every move throughout the season, and would report back to Hendrickson had he done anything out of character, and the salamander would kill Margaret for the same, because they both knew the truth about what happened years ago and the grandmaster's death, so they were to keep quiet.