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Good evening!

A few days ago I posted the Jessie & James drawings, and I enjoy drawing those 2 together so much that I ended up storyboarding a short comic using the same concept lol

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d2rkvp1jxjaj1hg1akxpr/ANezYMXf-A5WTk0YSyeNFPA?rlkey=akq31miaohk47br9nm6dbvijm&dl=0

I should also tell you that my girlfriend and I are moving in a new place in a week, so there might be a tiny bit less done this week, as we complete the final preparations :)

And I haven't forgotten the poll, just figuring out where I want to go with the CYOA story.

I'm thinking about integrating polls with the PP UP comic; we'll see :p

Timelapses for the following pages have been added to the archive:

Nature of Sins 2, Pages 4-12

PP UP, Pages 1 & 2

Archive can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101075231




Excellent choice in title


This is awesome