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Good evening/morning!

Here are a few illustrations I've been working on: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/w43zz0fdffd0ojzr247nj/AHlvWRhrS0o_wKUQcQJt_zY?rlkey=gdx65oshyaht837pqnih6e8bj&dl=0

Might continue the JessieXJames thing, we'll see :p

Also, I've been working on some stylized 3D animation cause I have a lot of ideas on how to supplement my current series, it's been very funny but also very frustrating lol.

I made a 3D Mandisa model, and for my first time I think it turned out great, but after animating it I'm having trouble with the rig and the mesh does unexpected things, especially in the dick and balls area. I figured I would show you a few previews of what the model looks like: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0r9ft7wpufj6zzksco74j/AE6cUljQf4aG9NGepfbsVFc?rlkey=yt3moqe8ani9pzmfprpffmbk1&dl=0

It's a work in progress but I'm really excited for the possibilities with this side project :)




Looks like some fun training for the duo