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'Ere we go with the Behind the Scenes thing for February for you lovely Tier 2 patreons.

Before we get into what I've been up to, let's address a bit of an uncomfortable topic:

The leaks
Unlike other creators I decided to not send each and everyone of you Tier 2 supporters the exclusive stuff each month via direct message but keep them posted here. The upside for you guys being, you dont have to feel forced to subscribe in a limited window to get the content you want.
However ...
There have been some leaks on content sharing websites which I most likely can trace to some accounts, subscribing, downloading everything there is, unsubscribing and then declining the payment ... so yeah ... that's kinda shit.
So what I will do going forward is to slowly phase out older exclusive sets. Most likely alongside putting them into bundles and sell them on affect3d store, and once I do so removing them here. Meaning you will always have at least a couple of months backlog when you decide to go Tier 2, but no longer the entire history.


1. I will never phase anything out without telling you first.
So as an example I will be removing these sets from patreon come April 1st 2023 (as they're already available on A3D as the "Elves of Ekfylia" compilation:

Twelf vs Futa Barbarian
Violea vs Brodie
Siora vs Futa Goblin

So you have plenty of time to download them first before they're gone. In the future you will also get at least 1 month advanced notice before some of the content is removed.

2. If you want a specific set that is no longer on patreon and are an active Tier 2 supporter, just DM me and I send you the fucking thing. I'll keep the Tier 1 teasers for the sets online and will most likely make a pinned post with an overview over which sets there are and which are "archived" to make it easier for you guys to find everything. So in the future Tier 2 supporters can always see what would be "theoretically" available.

I hope that way we can make it less attractive for assholes to rip the entire patreon and still give you guys a comfortable way to enjoy plentyful exclusive content at any given point. I really don't want to do the "I DM all of you your monthly support package" kinda thing. I like to schedule shit in advance and also I dislike this practice in general.

So yeah ... sorry for that folks,  hate having to do this but I am still trying to grow this patreon to maybe get to a point where (combined with the affect3d sales) it is a feasible day job for me ...lets move on to more interesting stuff:

Cyberpunk 2077 R34
As already mentioned in one of the earlier "Behind the Scenes" I've been working on the next "Claire fucks the Cast of Cyberpunk 2077" set. Finished it and am happy to report that the final set clocks in at 30 images and will be available for you patreons (both tier 1 and 2) in March. Will also post a poll later that month for who you want to see next.

Next Ekfylia set
As you know we left the cast of Ekfylia in a bit of a dark place last time, so the next thing will be bringing Twelf back into the loop and get Violea out of it, so we can do fun one-offs with Violea again (spoiler, the pleasure spell is permanent, so she's just in a constant rut now ... well not to different from before). This next story outing will also be available for you guys in March and clocks in at 11 images.

Club D'Envie 2 (Pre Production + sort of production) + nun related lewd stuff
I also continued the Pre Prod on Club D'Envie 2. Doing some stress testing of environments, some character re-designs. As you can see it'll be a lot more demonic this time around and we're also ideally get the first iteration of "sexy latex nun" that will stick around for once out of it as well. In fact you guys will see a whole lot of that newest Club D'Envie cast member next month, because I just had to render sth with her immediately ... I also started production and despite my best efforts it is a shitshow again. It took me way too long to render out the first 20 images, so I made the decision that Club D'Envie 2 will not be the next commercial release. I would still "finish" Club D'Envie 2 first (as in posing and lighting) and then just have it render a couple of frames at a time each night, but I fear if I wait with the next release until it is done, it'll be Summer ... So we're going to do a collection set again and depending on how I am available maybe an "easier" new set first while Club D'Envie renders along. And speaking of Club D'Envie ...

March Patreon Exclusive Set: Vampire Hostess Poker Game
I did a 22 image strong set of the vampire hostess of the Club D'Envie playing poker against a demon. Tier 2 patreons will have access to the exclusive set starting March 15th. This was originally planned as a 3-way dance, but I ran into performance issues again (it isnt Club D'Envie if it doesnt mess with me on the performance level ... ).

Talking Shop (The technical stuff)
This month I've also been messing around with some animation stuff. I know animating in Daz is horrible + I am not that big of an animator to begin with (messed around in SFM way back in the day and figured I dont have a sense for inertia and momentum), but I wanted to figure out if I can do some small animation stuff now and then. So yeah still in the midst of figuring out things.

I also, also have been in contact with a couple of VAs to figure out if I want to voice some of my more narrative pieces. Chief among them being Club D'Envie, however I need to figure out how to do this, as it is obviously a premium set ... we'll see. Have only worked with VAs once before and it was a blast, so I am in general very much for doing more of that kinda thing.

But that's it for this month. Thank you all again for the support. Now back to rendering tiddies!




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