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If you think the title for today's drawing is unintelligible, you're partially right!
I've just finished to watch a new Korean Series available on Netflix, "The 8 Show" and this is a tribute to one of the character, the one i liked the most, called 2nd Floor. There's an explanation for this name and i invite you to watch the series too, it's only 8 episodes and you can binge watch it pretty quickly.
I strongly advise you to watch it if you liked "Squid Game". The concept is pretty similar but there are many differences, and it manages to be more cruel and disturbing than the other because the competition ends and no one wins if one of the players dies. You could think that it's better if no one can die, but after watching it I'm not very sure of that... I don't add other details because I don't want to spoil anything!
I made her in two version, dressed and undressed (even though there's not so much nudity in the show, i wanted to draw her a little more naked than she is).

here is also the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b0xl0jwklb3s0yyip7uk8/2ndfloor.mp4?rlkey=944itwighyxre2j6y78ctfdyn&dl=0



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