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Some weeks ago i've shown you in the Patreon general chat the mascot of Italy pavilion at the Osaka Expo 2025! She's a cute and kawaii chibi character, and this already is a very good news because when some Italian public entity tries to create a media campaign, the result is always terrible, a real epic fail. This was the exception to this unwritten rule. But my pervert eye couldn't see the cuteness of the character and its exploitability, also considering that the logo of Osaka Expo is a strange guy with a kind of red tentacle with eyes! And the matching of the 2 things was immediate in my twisted mind. So here is this delicate artwork, hoping that it can help promoting Italy's presence at the Expo next year!
Here is also the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/foayhmodf28t5bckx4n11/italiachan.mp4?rlkey=f8o8z3v3z6g1z5hd2ifa8xgkc&dl=0




Be not afraid