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Thankyou Cliff! 
I really appreciate your support!
Nope you are good for april release! No Prob!
The past release are all on cgtrader ad you have a 50% discount on it! Read below!

The link for the download of the Welcome Pack can be found in the specific Post on the home page. 

The wonderful Lara Croft from the Tomb Rider video game franchise with her friend Croco (he is really HUGE!) are waiting for your printer here:


The new girl of the crew, Ashoka Tano from the Star Wars universe, is landed on Patreon!
Here’s the link for the spaceport:


Here your coupon for CgTrader: 50% discount on all mine sculptures! 


Put it here:

Hope you like it!
Let me know what you think, it is very important for me to have your suggestions!
Published: 2023-04
Ciao ragazzi!
As already written in home Kaylee finally sees the light!
Below you will find the link to download Kaylee, who is just waiting for your printer to come to life!
Don't forget to send me photos of your creations!
See you soon!

Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!!
I remind you that tomorrow evening at 17.00 Rome time there will be live coverage for the presentation of Kaylee's prototype, space for a chat and to get to know each other better. If you want to recommend some topic to talk about, I'm all ears!
I'll send you a message with the link to connect to the live on Youtube or here on Patreon!
I wait for you!
Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!
I remind you of tonight's live!
In addition to showing you Kaylee's prototype, I thought I'd also show you Rachel's reference images and maybe do some sculpting together. Let's see if my computer holds up... :D
A few minutes before I will make a post on the Patreon home with the link for viewing both on the platform and on Youtube.
So appointment tonight at 17.00 (5pm) Rome time in live streaming!
I wait for you!
Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here we are ready for the live!
See you later!
Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!
This afternoon I will be live from 14.30 (2.30pm) Rome time for a live sculpture session!
I'll carry on with Rachel's project and we can have a chat with each other... I know the schedule isn't the best for many of you, but I hope you'll keep me company.
See you in a little while!
Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!

I have many things to tell and to show you.

So this afternoon (in Italy :P) I'd like to go live to show you Rachel's prototype and assemble it together and give you some news on the continuation of this great adventure on Patreon.

Don't worry, it's bombshell news!

So for those who manage to connect live see you later (17.00 or 5pm Rome time), for those who can't make it I'll leave the recording on youtube so you can see it when you prefer!
A dopo! :D
Published: 2023-05
Let's start the live!
Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!

Since I changed my payment to the day you sign up instead of the first of the month, I'm having a really hard time keeping track of my pinup downloads.

I therefore had to go so far as to set some boundaries to make it easier for me to send you the pin-ups that you love so much.

For those who have been members for a long time practically nothing changes, however for new members or for those who suspend and resume their subscription only when there are sculptures that interest them (and there is nothing wrong with that!) things change a little. bit.

So let's see what changes from here on out:

Anyone who signs up BEFORE the 15th of the month is entitled to receive the three girls of the current month and continues to receive the girls as long as they remain registered on my Patreon (for example if you sign up on the 10th of April you are entitled to receive the girls sculpted at March and releases on April 2nd, and continue to receive all subsequent releases as long as you remain subscribed!)

Anyone who signs up AFTER the 15th of the month has the right to download the girls who will be sculpted for the beginning of the following month (so if you sign up on April 20th you will be able to receive the girls who will be released on May 2nd, but not those from the 2nd of May April!)

From the moment you decide to cancel your subscription you also lose all rights to receive further girls, so from the day of your cancellation you will no longer receive the download links.

I'm sorry to have to set limits, but you understand that there are many of us now and taking everyone's subscriptions into account is really difficult. I hope you can understand and appreciate the effort we make every month to release quality sculptures.

I'm going back to sculpting, I thank you infinitely for the trust and appreciation you show towards me!
Published: 2024-04
Ciao Ragazzi!
Finally I can send you the last missing link of April!
Claire took longer than expected to set up, also due to the Easter holidays, but she is now finally ready!
I hope you are satisfied with the result!
Let me know!

Published: 2024-04
Ciao Ragazzi!
And here are the download links for the three May sculptures!
I hope you like them, let me know what you think!

Boa Hancock:

SpiderGwen X GwenPool:

Lady Dimitrescu:

See you soon with new exciting sculptures!
Published: 2024-05
Ciao ragazzi!
Remember to make your suggestion in this post!


I'll wait for your ideas!
Published: 2023-10
Ciao Ragazzi!

I'm thinking about how to continue Patreon and improve the experience you can find in my profile, and who better than you can suggest what to do or what to insert to further improve my profile?

If you have something particular in mind, don't be afraid to give all kinds of ideas, we will then see what and how to incorporate into your ideas!

So let's help each other make our Patreon better and better!

Let me know your ideas!
The post is visible to everyone and put your suggestions under the post! 
Thankyou so much!
Published: 2023-10
Ciao Ragazzi!
Red Sonja has landed on Gumroad!
This is the download link:

Let me know if you like it!
Published: 2023-12
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here the link to the download of Jack Frost!
Hope you like it!

Let me say if it's all ok!
Published: 2023-12
Nope for Gumroad, I've start with the three girls of december
Published: 2023-12
Ciao Ragazzi!
In the live broadcast we saw and assembled Rachel's prototype together, I think she turned out very well and really makes a good impression. The details are good and I haven't had any printing problems, so it will be on your desks soon to keep you company :D .

In the live I also mentioned that I contacted a couple of sculptors to be able to give you more models every month. I understand that in the end a single model was very limiting and I want to always be able to give you the best. It's a research that has just begun, and I honestly don't know if the material I'll receive will be satisfactory, but I very much hope so. However, the intention is to get you two to three models a month.

I thought a lot before making this decision, also because I would like to be able to offer you always excellent work that will remain constant in the months to come. Obviously, if I don't consider the works good, I will look for other sculptors who can help me in this adventure.

So for the month of July you had chosen Bamboo/Shampoo from the manga Ranma 1/2 as the winning character, the other two models that will be sculpted will be Harley Quinn and Dana Scully from X-Files.

From next week I think I will receive the first images of the WIP that I will post immediately.

I hope you will appreciate the desire to improve more and more and always offer you the best!
Published: 2023-05
Ciao Ragazzi!!
Rachel is finally available for download! With a typical ninja smoke screen she will be found on your desk and she will dazzle you with her lethal beauty…
Be careful not to make her angry, you might regret it! :D

Here is the link to google drive for download:

As always let me know what you think!
Published: 2023-06
The poll for August models has started and will end on Thursday the 22nd!
If you want to vote for your favorite girl (or more than one!) go on the Patreon home and take part in the poll!
Also this time we are full of excellent proposals, and I really don't know what to choose ... Even if among the many beautiful girls someone has already touched my heart ... Who knows who she will be?
I'll tell you once the survey is over!
Published: 2023-06
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here we are again with the Live moment in which we will go to see and assemble the three prototypes of Shampoo, Dana and Harley.
This time due to force majeure I had to opt for another day and another time, and so tonight at 22.00 (10pm) Rome time we start with our chat in the usual broken English! :D
Don't miss out, the prototypes are definitely worth seeing!
See you tonight (in Italy)!
Published: 2023-07
Here the link to youtube live

Published: 2023-07
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here are the files for the three July sculptures!
Harley Quinn, Shampoo and Dana Scully are finally ready to be printed and painted.
So here are the links:



Let me know if everything is fine!
Published: 2023-07
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here are the download links for the three girls of the month of August!




As always, let me know if there are any problems with the files and especially if you like our girls! :D
Published: 2023-08
Ciao Ragazzi!

I'm sorry to warn you only now but I first had to figure out if I would be able to go live with the presentation of the three August models.

Other than that I hope to see you tonight and interact with you to hear what you think of our August girls' prints...

See you tonight then, with my usual rambling English! :D

Ps: As usual the post will be published a few minutes before the live, and you can follow it both here and on Youtube!
Published: 2023-08
Ciao Ragazzi!
Finally back up and running at 100%!
After the holidays we start again with the October projects that will be

1- The Greek goddess Artemis
3- Starbuck or Pocahontas (voting open until tomorrow)

Soon I will reveal which models you will receive for September (I'm also thinking about some bonuses to make up for this long absence... I hope to have more news soon!)
I hope you'll like it and, if you're not anymore, you'll come back to being my supporters!
Great sculptures await us! :D
Published: 2023-08
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here is the download link for the three cutest Disney witches!
The STL files are in 1/6 scale (so they asked me!) while in the Chitubox file you find them already reduced to the 1/10 scale as usual.
You see what to do with the files!
I'll also send you the link to the Elf Mage in the next few days, so keep an eye on your mail! :D


See you soon!
Published: 2023-09
Ciao Ragazzi!
Here is the download link for the Elf Mage, let me know what you think!


See you soon!
Published: 2023-09
Ciao Ragazzi!
This afternoon the three October girls, Pocahontas, Arwen and Artemis will be available for download (the latter is finishing being printed). The prototypes are very beautiful and I can't wait to send you all the files!
See you later!
Published: 2023-10