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Hey yall!! This one's gonna be a news-heavy post because I posted a shitton of History High art (reposted above!) on Twitter because I was VERY EXCITED, haha.


I'm developing a pitch with my lovely agent right now that might end up being my FIRST EVER MIDDLE GRADE GRAPHIC NOVEL! Introducing P.B. Cooper (the P.B. stands for Peanut Butter), middle school spy extraordinaire, based on the eponymous mystery man DB Cooper. PB teaches kids vital survival skills in a Bear Grylls-ey way with a spy kid angle!


I know you all probably figured this out by now but the reason History High is on temporary time-freeze is - I'm talking (again with my lovely agent) about bringing History High to IRL graphic novel life!! Apparently [redacted human person] took an interest in it and my agent and I are going to discuss all the options! Fuck me, I hope I get to bring you guys back to HH soon. I am so invested in this world and I guarantee you that no matter what/how these talks shake out I'll be bringing HH back to the world in ONE form or another! In the meantime, all the HH sneak peeks will still be up here!


Those images up there are part of a series of illos I'm doing for the final chapter in Act I of History High, which takes place at the Big School Dance (TM)! I wanted to do "formal" Prom portraits of everyone, so I started with the two people going stag - Abigail (she's too good for everyone else and no one qualified for her rigorous Homecoming date standards), and Henry (spent so much time whining/being a sad sack over Tadhana he actually forgot to ask anyone else). I included the background I'm using cause I've been sneaking (read: not-so-subtly metaphorically using) classical artwork into HH, in this case, The Swing. Funny thing about The Swing: People always point out the one guy waiting to catch the girl in the swing, but there's actually a second guy pushing her. It reminded me of Tadhana, Magnus (Tadhana's prom date), and Henry, but Henry thinks he's the girl in the swing. Maybe he's allowed to, if it helps him feel a little bit more understanding of himself!




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