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I am TOTALLY FUCKING BLOWN AWAY by the response to HH, you guys 😭 We've hit over 1k views within the last few days since launching and I'm SO PUMPED YALL. I cannot WAIT to show you what I have in store!!!

This next section goes up on 3/26, and it's the first in a series of flashbacks. We get to know Henry a little bit better, I get to chat about my fave social topic (~*~toxic masculinity and non-toxic masculinity ooooh~*~), and I get to draw a shitload of Henry! (There won't be a lotta Henry after this for a little bit so I got all my hair-swoop needs out of the way in this chapter).

Fun Facts:

- The painting in the window is the right-hand panel of Hieronymous Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights

- The chromatic aberration panel (2nd to last page) of Henry's hands was split by hand! I freakin love CSP!

- I genuinely think Panel 1 here with all of Henry's brothers is some of the finest cartooning I've ever done. From the reverse-evolution height/angle to individually crafting each douchebag of a brother, I am V PROUD of the results. Also RIP Henry's dignity

- A lot of HH (you know the "trauma - emotional AND blunt force!" jokes?) is also about coping with my OWN horrible injury, a giant fuckoff tumor that left me unable to do normal shit like "stand up for over 30 seconds" or "think" or "have enough blood" for like, 2 years. I'm doing a lot better now but I'm still chronically ill, and there's this big tendency for dudes (ESPECIALLY DUDES) to downplay their own injury or sickness. The relationship between masculinity/identity/self-awareness and becoming chronically ill or injured is something I am v fascinated by because I was one of those guys who was like "yeah I can't SEE or MOVE but you can't take me to the hospital!! That's only for REAL sick people." and next thing you know Ol Grampa Joe has died of a heart attack because he was stubborn. ANYWAY.

I really want to explore Henry's relationship with his (please do not spoil this for other people!! I trust you guys!!) ultimately temporary disability/injury, how it affects his perception of himself, how it affects how Tadhana specifically interacts with him (oh yeah there's gonna be some juicy flashbacks coming up), and how it wreaks absolute havoc with his traditionally-raised-by-cishet-dudes brain.

Thank you again for reading, coming along on this time travel journey, and sticking around for 2022!!


I got the OK from my editor to post FNAF: Fazbear Frights behind-the-scenes, process art, and all that juicy stuff ON/AFTER the publication date! I can't spill the beans now, but I am MAD EXCITED to show you how everything worked and show off some of my OG Plushtrap Chaser inks and designs. Translating it to comics was so fun!!

I know the FNAF community is very particular on their designs being accurate, and I strived to make the Plushtrap Chaser 100% accurate (whiskers, human teeth, human eyes, the complete package). Though my initial designs were true to the book, the team ended up making some edits (that came down from the FNAF side, not the Scholastic side!) that altered the Plushtrap's look. I think it'd be really cool for the fans/readers to see the Plushtrap as originally intended! <3

FAZBEAR FRIGHTS #1 comes out the first week of September, so mark yer calendars!! :DD



Alenka Figa

I am late bc I am behind on all the things but this ROCKS