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Okay - you guys are the first ever people, including my own agent, to read these synopses! I've always planned for JED to be an ongoing series with shorter, achronological extra comics bolstering a main series of longer graphic novels. I always intended for the Jed college story, originally (very un-cleverly, and named after the Descendents album) JED GOES TO COLLEGE. After a good amount of restructuring, having a bunch of life shit happen, and being able to come back to Jed with big clear non-trash eyes, I have managed to psychically transmit (imo) the best possible version of the next JED book, which kind of blows the college story out of the water, stakes-wise, which proooobably means I'll need to go back and fix the ending of the college tale.

JED THE UNDEAD: HIGH SCHOOL NEVER ENDS was originally called ALL GROWN UP after the dumb Rugrats reboot - I'm still waffling on this one, since ALL GROWN UP implies they've graduated *unless* you know I'm referencing the dumb Rugrats reboot? It's a much more drastic, serious, funny, and heartbreaking story where the stakes are much, much, much higher, but relies entirely on the build-up of Jed and Freddy's relationship in BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.

JED THE UNDEAD: GOING AWAY TO COLLEGE (behold! a better, more era-specific title named after the Blink 182 song!) is basically everything I've ever pitched about JED GOES TO COLLEGE, but I notably want to change up the ending as HIGH SCHOOL NEVER ENDS ups the ante so much that the end of COLLEGE is just like... a wet , sad kazoo. Perhaps it'd be better as an extra, shorter comic? I never set out to make the primary JED graphic novels a duology, but honestly? For our Jed-and-Freddy duo? Maybe a duology makes the most narrative sense!
