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One of the things I'm super pumped about in my new OGN pitch (besides going ham on the mid-2000's era MMORPG aesthetics) is telling the ever-present, ever-relatable story of using RPG character creators as an early testing ground for tons and tons of trans nerds I know. Trina, a Very Online trans girl and regular raider, is one of the MCs in <SOULBOUND>, and has been playing the same character - Trixy, a Dark Elf hunter - since before she came out of the closet. Though Trina has changed, Trixy has been a constant in her life, and most people associate her with her character. In a way, Trixy is more of an extension of Trina's personality than her early-life appearance was!

Trixy's outfit is based (obvs) on Sylvanas Windrunner's early, Burning Crusade-era character model. Sylvanas is a super rad, super independent badass (come @ me horde purists idgaf), but I ALSO wanted to pay homage to the classic, mid-2000s "sexy armor" era of high fantasy video game character design, an aesthetic that got like, Liefeld-level ridiculous. I secretly love the whole Heavy Metal thing, don't @ me.



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