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Hey, everyone!! Hope you're staying safe and sane in these Trying Times (insert a gif of Frank from Always Sunny offering you an egg here).

While I'm waiting on the results of my first round of Jed pitch revisions (having an agent is nuts!! who knew all I needed was someone to hand my work to??), I've been working on some new graphic novel pitches I'm REALLY excited about!

Here's a sneak peek of some of the development sketches behind <SOULBOUND>, an older/collegiate YA graphic novel about a group of old friends banding together to rescue their buddy from a wildly malfunctioning VR machine. It's got heart, cataclysmic soul-searching, and tons and tons of MMORPG references. I'm pitching it as READY PLAYER ONE x WILD right now, but with way less romance and way more raid jokes.

Super excited to articulate these drawings and show you guys the pitch when it's ready!!

LEFT TO RIGHT: Our MC, Amber, as her Dwarf Hunter character; Amber in her IRL form; guildmate Trina as her Dark Elf (I really wanted to use Night Elves but I'm teetering on how WoW-ey this should be) character; Trina IRL; their dumb and excitable Undead Priest friend that they have to rescue; and an idea for the big ol' pitch title treatment!



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