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Hey Patrons!!

I wanna be the first to tell you guys (and please keep this on the downlow for reasons that will become obvious!) - I'm talking to a publisher about putting JED THE UNDEAD into print!!

I'll have more news as it develops, but I'm SO EXCITED. Those of you who have known me since college will know that I've been working on the Jed-iverse since I was about 19, and my thesis project for my MFA degree was a first draft of the first Jed the Undead graphic novel, JED THE UNDEAD: BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, which tells the story of how Jed and Freddy first become friends (weird, codependent friends). It's BEST FRIENDS FOREVER that's gonna become a big ol' actual readable physical graphic novel, and I don't wanna jinx it, so I'll just keep on getting real excited over here in a corner (and, of course, update everyone as soon as I get the details!)

Some of you may know that Jed was going to be picked up (if the financials worked out) by Oni Press, but after the merger, my book (and everyone else's, whose editors were laid off or quit) was in limbo. It was always my dream to get published by Oni, but, in light of the merger, and in light of the person who saw something special in Jed getting laid off, I've decided to not pursue the deal at Oni and go with the people who genuinely are excited to bring Jed to life.

I love you all SO MUCH, and thank you for getting on this crazy mine train of a ride with me!!



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