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Why don't I know? Because I haven't regularly watched anime in about ten years and when you guys start yelling all these names, frankly, I can not discern 90% of them.

But that's okay! Because today's poll? I have no idea who any of these characters are. Nor have I googled them. They're characters requested a few times by multiple people but I don't know them.

Some of the SHOWS I know of, but they're shows with like 9138102381092831 girls so I have no idea which of them they are. If they're even any I know.

Trade off? I have no idea if this poll is relatively fair. It might not be. To that end, I encourage everyone to maybe "give your second fav a chance." I'm also going to allow Multivote. You can vote for ALL of them or NONE of them or SOME of them. This is really a way to encourage that the LEAST popular loses, not that the MOST popular wins. Because... well... I have no idea what this poll is about. But human pop culture knowledge is finite. So let the best girl win. I hope they're all girls.

I'll also be traveling this weekend, down to Metrocon in Florida. So this post? It MIGHT be a little late. Might have to do TWO next week. But that's fine. You can Twitter Me to see what's going on down in Florida this weekend if you want.


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