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First off, I'm doing some cleaning up! I'm going to be using google drive instead of Patreon to distribute stuff. It's just easier. I can keep it all in one place and do updates easier, sync it, etc etc etc.

In fact, here is the link to the new public folder, which has everything in it since the Patreon relaunched a few months ago!


Let me know if it doesn't work!!

Also, to that end, I'll be deleting old posts after I post this just to keep things clear and simple. I'll continue to relink that folder from now on, with each post too. From now on, the weekly things will be added to that folder. Which is aptly named Patreon Tier 1. There IS a higher Tier now, which includes Tentacle works. That starts next month, but you can upgrade your pledge now if you want. I'll get that folder live at that time.

Just to clear that Tier up, you get everything like usual, all tiers down, but people with 5 bucks a month get to vote on a monthly tentacle piece in addition to the weekly polls, and they'll get access to it a month ahead of time. Still a small amount, so I don't think I'll be forced to cater just to a few rich people. Which is my greatest Patreon fear. But still. Gotta make money! And $5 is a 500% increase over $1. That's awesome. And I have bills.

Finally, the suggestion box is once again open in these comments. Go nuts. I'll have a poll up later tonight. Remember, I won't pull DIRECTLY from suggestions that week. Everything gets logged and can come up that week or next or even weeks later. So suggest many things. More chances for more themes.

I think the theme is gonna be "characters I've NEVER HEARD of and didn't even look up a reference let's see who wins!"


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