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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the August 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-87471436

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hi-res-dropbox-87471434


I honestly didn't think this would take me this long to finish this. I had finished Shiori's inks last session and thought Robyn's inks and coloring would be quick enough for a single session on their own but now having finished Robyn's inks and coloring in the same session it is now the next day. >v>;;;; I am tired... Also hungry, but mostly tired...

I got an pretty consistent "Finish the wedding dress sketch first!" response from the last sketches post and really enjoyed working on this. I would love to draw this idea again, probably more a stand alone, full body thing like the original Daikinbakuju drawings were that influenced this, but I figured a more "Wedding photo" approach would be more fun for a first time drawing for this idea. 

Not entirely sure how canon this is for Shiori and Robyn yet, but at the moment thinking about this makes me happy to think if they were married.  (     =      / / /   v  / / /   = )

Time for me to go to sleep and then make the poll when I wake up.


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AGH!! I can’t decide whether I like the ungagged or lipstick mark variant more! And I should have recognized the Daikinbakuju influence lol

