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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the August 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-87471436 

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hi-res-dropbox-87471434 


Feels good to draw again after feeling like I strained my arm after those last few drawings. I'm surprised I was able to get all these plotted out within 2 days. That usually never happens for me. I usually am only able to get, maybe, 1 sketch out in a day. T  v T

Working on that alleyway sketch, I realized I play around a lot more with Robyn's hair than I do with Shiori. >v>;;; Playing around with hairstyles might be something to consider in the future. I do feel like there might be something missing from this. I'm wondering if I should expand this further to make sure Robyn is slightly more just around the corner. At the moment, it kinda feels like she's still just out in the open when I look at this now? We'll figure it out later, I suppose.

I also want to get into the habit of drawing more busts. That thought led to the Scarlett drawing. I still really like the original sketch this one is based on and figured it's kind of a bust, so why not redraw that? Turned out it was quite a quick experience. I guess, though, that part of that is based on just redrawing an old sketch. >v>;;;

The mummified wedding dress has been something I've wanted to attempt for a long time. I would like to draw it again in the future too with other dress styles. Sketching this made me think this is one of the prettiest drawings of Shiori and Robyn I've done. I think that's probably on account of the wedding dresses. I don't think I've really explored their relationship like this in a drawing before, even if it's still within the realm of a kink scenario. I think that also adds to my feelings on this drawing. When I get around to finishing this one, I plan on having some tape gags with lipstick marks on them too. ///v/// Shiori and Robyn gotta kiss their brides after all!

For the longest time, I didn't know what to do with the background on that Crys drawing. It wound up being the last thing I finished in this set. Ultimately, I started get excited by the thought of her facing the wall. Not sure what about that excited me, but it does! 

Which of these would you like me to finish first?


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Flargo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 09:15:12 Theses are all superb! The expression work on display is absolutely top tier <3 If I had to pick favourites I would have to go with the Crys and tape dress ones! I really like how you can make out the impression of Crys's eyes through her blindfold - and the posture collar is an excellent touch! And the tape dress one is just too darn wholesome <3 Love their expressions so much! Honestly though like I said these are all fantastic! I would be darn happy to see any of them done!
2023-08-10 15:58:50 Theses are all superb! The expression work on display is absolutely top tier <3 If I had to pick favourites I would have to go with the Crys and tape dress ones! I really like how you can make out the impression of Crys's eyes through her blindfold - and the posture collar is an excellent touch! And the tape dress one is just too darn wholesome <3 Love their expressions so much! Honestly though like I said these are all fantastic! I would be darn happy to see any of them done!

Theses are all superb! The expression work on display is absolutely top tier <3 If I had to pick favourites I would have to go with the Crys and tape dress ones! I really like how you can make out the impression of Crys's eyes through her blindfold - and the posture collar is an excellent touch! And the tape dress one is just too darn wholesome <3 Love their expressions so much! Honestly though like I said these are all fantastic! I would be darn happy to see any of them done!


Yesh!! You did the dress thing X3