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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the March 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-79478148

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hires-dropbox-79478150


Well, an attempt was made. I don't think I've ever drawn anything quite like this before so this was an interesting experiment. I'm not entirely sure how successful I was in achieving the PoV effect but I think this overall looks quite nice. I can't really trust myself when I'm tired though. I'm just now realizing it's 4:30am. >v>;;; It was only 2am last I looked at the clock and I could've sworn that was only 10 minutes ago.

Perspective is hard.


Tag Links:

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Trussed Issues Comic

Dropbox Compilation Links



Spelt Wrong, but right.

I like that on the switch you have Skyrim, the very beginning too. Almost like Robyn just woke up in some parallels to the pc shiori is playing.


No way, that's a really interesting idea! I should try something like that sometime


Well it looks amazing so thank you for your work Shio, i will now enjoy


a fun POV shot, the colors and expression work are very beautiful


it was fun but also hard. you find yourself looking around differently


thanks :D i'm getting a little frustrated the colors on my main monitor are different from my tablet's and laptops so i'm constantly going between each trying to make sure it looks good on all of them TvT


Awesome work Shio. Great composition and darn Daylight Savings Ruining everyone's internal clocks DX

