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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the March 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-79478148

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hires-dropbox-79478150


Recently, I found an old sketch in one of the old Dropbox folders and really wanted to redraw it. I thought that would make for an easy project as the first real drawing back after doing nothing but coloring. Turns out this particular thing wound up becoming more tedious than I thought. I would think it was mostly due to the background but I did need to re-familiarize my hands on how to draw again. I didn't think this would take that long to color today either. I had hoped to finish up working earlier and then go see Creed 3. I suppose I can just do that tomorrow though. I need to stop coloring rocks and bricks. I've done that too much lately. >v>;;;


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It looks absolutely amazing!! Bravo!!😍🥰

Momo Trotro

This is friggin gorgeous, amazing work!


Its... BEAUTIFUL Its all i ever wanted Its perfect Its now my new favourite image of yours


gorgeous work, love the shading, and the expression work very much worth the revisit


Wow this came out incredible! I love all the shine on the latex, the nice tight strappado tie with the nice teeth-showing ball gag, and the nice background to set the setting! There are just too many things to compliment on this (but the leash is a really nice touch too🥰). 😍 Hopefully you find more time to remasters some of your old works, it's a nice refresh. ❤️


Honestly this may be among my favourite pieces you've ever done Shio - everything from top to bottom absolutely oozes skill and care <3 The latex is gorgeously rendered in every regard. Latex is by far my favourite material and this is one of the best renditions I've seen :3 That pose and perspective is seriously killer as well! You always take on these incredibly dynamic and difficult poses and you nail em every time! And by gawd those heels are also incredible <3 All in all an absolute amazing testament to your skill. Kudos to all your hard work!