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Hey there,

…aaaand here’s the fourth alpha release. The game is slowly taking shape, I will now have to work on the game state persistence and I have to commission at least one female character model and the custom character animations in order add some „char-to-char“ actions:> I also have to make a few design decisions, I really could use the advice of a unity pro, if you fell you could help me out with some advice, please feel free to contact me.


  • Move : WASD / Arrow Keys
  • Jump : Space
  • Run : Shift
  • Punch : X / Left Mouse
  • Kick : C / Right Mouse
  • Action : Enter
  • Inventory : I
  • Pause / Menu : Escape
  • Dress / Undress : U
  • Urinate : P (Only when bladder is filled)
  • Masturbate : M (Only when undressed)

Gameplay Hints:

  • Killing others will gain you their alpha score
  • The nearest detectable character in range will be marked on your compass
  • Keep your hormone level low in order to decrease the detection radius of near by enemies.
  • Hunt and collect the meat from your enemies in order to stay fed, once you are hungry your health bar won’t recover, if you are starving the health bar will start slowly decreasing.
  • Urinate regulary, you cannot run with a full bladder.
  • Be carefully when urinating since it will double the detection radius for nearby enemies.
  • If you encounter low FPS-Rates, try deactivating the
  • Rich Environment option in the graphics menu.
  • Frequently search the beach for sea shells.
  • Frequently search the forest for mushrooms
  • Mushrooms will have different impacts on your vitals


  • Introduced alpha score
  • Introduced sea shells (currency)
  • Introduced character stat modifiers (items)
  • I-Key can be used now to access inventory
  • Compass now marks the nearest detectable character
  • Mushrooms will now spawn at the forest (Modifier items)
  • Sea shells will now spawn randomly at the beach of the island
  • Killed enemies and players will now transfer their alpha score to you (if positive)





Je vais essayer ce soir


If you have one I’ll add her:) I’m currently looking for an artist who can either tanke female versions of my chars or come up with an entire new female char


Are the enemies going to be more like the main playable character in the future?


aww no horses :D


non of the keys work for me for some reason

Serrano Orfeo

This is rad i just wish my pc ran it better lol. Noticed an interesting tidbit, Trike boy's hand doesn't actually grab onto his cock as he's masturbating... I'd have to go back and see the other models and how they look, but if I can throw it out there now, maybe some variation in the poses/animations for those actions would be neat, or some interactivity? I mean if we are stopping our trek to take a break and wank or pee you might as well right? uwu I always liked naughty games that let me really play with my characters on screen, but I know some people do prefer to just watch, sooooooooooo... what if maybe middle-click or the action button in abscence of anything to do was like a camera-lock feature or it triggers like a cinematic angle or something? It would free up the mouse to interact or cycle animations, maybe point his dick a certain way, or slow down his rubbing or have him hump his hand or lift a leg or something... The scrollwheel could zoom the camera in and out? I'm guessing your intention with the bladder and hormone stat was make the player strategize more on when to be moving and when to stop during play, but I'm just spitballing here if u don't think it would work or that's not what u wanna go for I totally get it...I do wish the shells spawned a little more frequently though as I've managed to find one every like ten minutes or so on average... and for some reason it sometimes takes a moment get up to running speed after getting hit especially in front of multiple enemies. If you're in the middle of getting hit you're kinda stuck until the hit is done registering, and you're locked in place not necessarily if you're stunned or anything. This is either a problem that makes the game inconsistent at best, or broken at worst sorry to say, for me. Either that, or my keyboard is just laggy as shit which if that was the case. My only suggestion would be maybe to change the attack pattern for the enemeies and give the player more time between the eneimes' hits to make a command, but also I am not any sort of experienced developer I just like what u do and wanna put my thoughts in. Also thought of this item: a buttplug to one-hit stun/k.o the enemeies. (lol) Anyway this is rad, and can't wait to see where it goes from here :3


Hey there! The animations are not the final one , that’s why the trike doesn’t grab his cock properly:)


I‘m glad to jion in the speech.I just get here for two days,and get your incomparable game and animation.The game is fntastic,but I have some trouble in add MOD into UNITY ,or the MOD which you hand out aren’t belong to the game which we should ask a dinosaur to find shells and keep living in a island. If you can have a look for my talking , can you give me a way to solve the problem. in the other hand , whether the way to play is just find shells and kill the young dinosaur? And if have Other enemies or these dinosaurs have some special to hit us? In the end ,because I'm from China and do not good in writing by English ,so there might are some mistakes in language.And then , thanks for your patient reading and your paying in Art.


I'm sorry I havn't have a look with the dates(these mol had been there for at least one year) ,and can you tell me what will happen in the furture of the live in game ?whether just have these dinosaurs bite us ?and if we con only hit them by our fists and feet? I just reach shells for 17 and get the α for 0.7(the α is so difficult for to get it😭)and without any sounds in my headset.Please have a look and tell me the way to make mistakes out which I made.Thank for your patient reading again.