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Hey there,
im currently working on the overall concept for my new game, please let me know what you think and what other ideas you have:


Trading / Sexual Services

The player has to eat in order to. stay alive (starvation system). He can either obtain food by hunting enemies or trade with NPCs by either offering shells or sexual services / tasks (Any idea for consequences? Maybe loss of „Alphaness“).


The island is populated with small and huge feral dinosaurs that will either attack the player on sight or approach him over distance if they can scent him (hormone level). There could be also herbivore dinosaurs which will be neutral until attacked.


Items will spawn regulary at the beach of the island so the player should walk around the island from time to time in order to find new items that might help him or just enhance the overall game play.


The players hormone bar will determine how easy he can be detected by enemies,
in order to lower his hormone level the player can either masturbate or have sex
with other NPCs. Once the hormone level reaches the mark of 70% the player will get horny (Any idea for consequences?).

Body Functions

The players nutrition level will lower over time, once the player gets hungry his health bar won‘t recover. If the player is starving, his health bar will slowly decrease.

The players bladder will fill over time, once the bladder is full, the character loses the
ability to run, in order to empty the bladder the character has to urinate, which will double his detection radius to other enemies.

Overall Game Goal




Your goal idea: Becoming the Dinosaur King or "Prime Alpha" of that island. After certain conditions meet, an Anthro from each species appears and you have to defeat them all and / or have to make them submit to you.


Goal idea: You are a warrior, or the future Leader of your Tribe and you have to stay alive x ingame days to be worthy.


Goal idea: You are a dino seducer and ylur goal is to mark every major enemy on the island in 3 Steps: Beat them in combat, the have sex with them, then "mark" them with your pee as your own.


Game idea: All of the above as one xD.


Oh and if that happens a portion of your earnings goes to them. Trying to find and employ subtle kinks that can include others but might enhance the game.


For trading services for food: perhaps doing this enough will earn the player a reputation as a slut. The higher your slut rep, the easier it will be for enemies to seduce the player into submission


I was thinking about such a thing I would like to introduce some kind of Standing-Indicator but I need a cooler name for it:)


Game goal idea: fuck to become the biggest and beefiest and try to avoid getting fucked smaller as your opponent grows more powerful from the exchange


Can further make him more powerful with channelling into bigger muscles (better fighting prowess) or bigger cock (easier/more effective rewards for winning) where losing continually actually makes things more difficult


for the sexual aspect, why not have a dominance/submissiveness standing, called your 'Orgone aspect' borrowing from that pseudoscience theory about orgone energy, which could function as experience. winning fights against npcs and dominating them would give you dominant orgone, and losing fights or trading services for foods would give you submissive orgone. submissive orgone would give you different debuffs or effects out of your control unless you got rid of it somehow, while dominant orgone could be used to buy perks. 100% need to implement combat piss, btw


Possible other game goals in a nutshell: -Escape the island on a raft you have to build. -You followed your nemesis because he did -insert that horrible thing he/she/it did-, but he is the ruler of that place, so you have to establish yourself first. -You have to get a good standing with all 3 major tribes: Rex, Raptor, Tricera. -You have lost your tribe, now you have to do stuff for the other ones to get accepted into them. Here again, your game could become the adult, dino variation to the game called *Pine*. Its on Steam.